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Makeup Tips


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dont poke yourself in the eye, it hurts ;-)

dont OVERDO it, you'll end up looking like you have a black eye.



if you've never put it on before, your eyes WILL water.


and err... idk anymore, haha


oh, and sharpen it before you use it,

make sure that its not COMPLETELY sharp, so like, rub it on some tissue or something first. :)



haha, sorry if thats no help..

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DON'T use liquid eyeliner, if you slip you actually get a black eye. i don't mean a bruise, i mean your actual eye goes black for a while, i'm never touching that stuff again !

Pencil eyeliner is pretty easy to get the hang of and to learn what looks good and what doesn't. I'd suggest just stick with the lower lids, don't do the overlids as they get so easily overdone and can look tacky, plus they smudge like a beasty... Just experiment and yes, the don't poke yourself in the eye bit is a good idea ;)

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if your gonna use liquid eye liner use pencil eye liner first as a base so it doesnt sting as much.yeah and try not to get it in your eyes, it is pretty painful, if you do though blink alot and then use a cotton bud to get it all out.

and with pencil eye liner it works better sharp.be careful it hasnt been sharpened wonky or something because the the actual wood bit of the pencil will scratch.

and yeah practice makes perfect i guess.

good luck!

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that is pretty obscure there :P

i have a logical explanation for the way scone should be pronounced, however. 'cause it's like stone with a c instead of a t, so nobody calls a stone a ston or anything different, so a scone should just be a scone. like. a stone scone.


...I had to share that with the world, for some reason ;)

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