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Ever been Injured? How?


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err. i jammed my left thumb in a car door when i was like eight. proper sliced right into my nail bed and i had it in a stookie for weeks.

my sister also shut my left big toe in the bathroom door like a year later, totally ripped up the nail so that was bandaged up for ages aswell.


im lucky i didnt do my back/spine in about two years ago - stupid horse slammed the breaks on at a jump and fell on it backwards. arsehole, so he is.

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i didnt really do too much.


in 2nd grade, my sis tripped me and i hit the chest in my parents room.

got a gash in my head. went to the ER and it got glued back together.


couple years ago, i was cutting a tomato w/ the sharpest knife in the house.

there was like, no tomato even left.haha.

and i was cutting it up towards my face.

i sliced my thumb down to the bone.

the ahole of a doctor didnt stitch me up,

they were like "well, the dermabond worked on your head years ago, lets use it on this."

...by the time we were out to the car, it was opening.

didnt get stitches b/c the glue was used.

got a nice scar from that.



then i had a knee surgery, b/c of hereditary problems.

my knee would keep popping out.

it popped out 8 times in a year.

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^haha yes. not very pleasant.


actually, i can move it to almost the side of my knee.

i used to be able to move it to the complete side.

and i can pick it up about 1cm off of where it should be.


and the kneecap doesnt sit where it should,

so ic an pop it in, hold it there, relax my muscles, and have it pop out. =P



to realy fix that, i'll need a hcore surgery where they add screws and sh*t.

but they wont do that for yearrrssss.

and it takes a year to heal.hahaha



all they did was cut my ligament.

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^haha yes. not very pleasant.


actually, i can move it to almost the side of my knee.

i used to be able to move it to the complete side.

and i can pick it up about 1cm off of where it should be.


and the kneecap doesnt sit where it should,

so ic an pop it in, hold it there, relax my muscles, and have it pop out. =P



to realy fix that, i'll need a hcore surgery where they add screws and sh*t.

but they wont do that for yearrrssss.

and it takes a year to heal.hahaha



all they did was cut my ligament.



Omg. Please don't say more. I am feeling sick.. I can almost feel the pain in my own knee.

It sounds veery painful. I'm sorry for you.

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One time, me and my friend were riding quads in her backyard and we were both on one quad as I was driving. I took a sharp turn and the thing tipped over at full speed, causing us to go skidding across the hot dirt and rocks. I skinned a good many layers off my arm and had a scar for about, two years. The quad also landed on my leg while we were skidding and she landed on me, so that was double force into the ground for me, haha. I had cuts on my leg from the quad.

Needless to say, after the incident I was not allowed to use my skinned arm for anything at the dinner table for a few months unless it was wrapped up. I cleaned it out a bunch and changed the bandages regularly but it still had pus coming out of it.

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I have a scar on my elbow which i got when i was about 6-7 years, and i wanted to find my sister so i ran down the stairs, but when i came to her door, i lost balance and i fell on her bed, and on the bed it was a screw, so i hit that and got it in my elbow, it hurt pretty bad.

I've also had an injury in both knees for the two last years. I've gone in physiotherapy since august, but they can't seem to find out what's wrong. I've taken x-rays and mr's but they couldn't find it out there either. The physio is helping a bit, but not much. I had to quit track and field because of it. Not fun.

And in april we were playing a baseball-thing in school, and the girl in front of me was hitting the ball, and i think i stood to near her, for the next time i opened my eyes i was lying on the ground with all of my classmates around me, she had hit me with the bat, i was just gone for a few seconds, but i passed out xP And when i tryed to walk i just fell. My balance was gone. So my dad had to pick me up, and i had to lay on the sofa the whole day, and he wouldn't let me watch tv or anything, cause that could be dangerous, he did let me listen to music though ;D Hehe. The whole school heard about that accident. xP

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