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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear Erin,

You didn't know? Hahaha, where did you think I was from?

You really need to eat. :(




Dear Shanneh


I didn't really know where you are from.


and I can't. everything I try to eat comes back up.

my coach is sitting me tomorrrow if I don't eat..



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Dear _______,

You're tormenting me even in my sleep. It's been so long since I've had a peaceful sleep with dreams in which you haven't been. I know that this isn't going to get any better until I confront you with everything and I know that I have to. I love you and I hope that everything will be okay. People say they understand my position in all of this but they truly don't for I've not told a soul everything. Some things are meant to be kept secret between the both of us, I think; they're to be cherished secrets of a missed past.

They wonder how I could identify with Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, well they don't know our story. Our story mirrors that book in so many ways it's almost ridiculous. This teenage drama will be the death of us all! I can't wait until these years are over, hahaha.

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Dear Jordan,

I'm so freaking proud of you! They were being twatty and out of order, sooner or later, someone had to stand up to them. I just can't believe it was you. Okay, so it started and finished with Megan, but thanks to you it escalated and was actually hilarious. Don't worry, she wouldn't dare hit you, we all know you were right. Please, she only started crying because she knew what an idiot she had made of herself. Awesome, simply awesome.



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Dear Jelly Tot,

Awh man, I love you so much, you wouldn't believe.

Your mail made me my day, and thank you thank you so much! :kiss:

I am terribly sorry about the fact that your gift isn't here yet, I'll send it your way the day it arrives!


Tater Tot.

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Dear guy-from-work-whose-name-I-don't-know,

WTF. Please tell me my eyes lied and that your hair isn't actually dyed black.

I know this sounds pathetic since my ugly hair is black, but you looked so much better with your original hair color..



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