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Everything posted by kristina

  1. haha me 2! ssorry if i posted after you haha i was just soo excited i was like omg i must post haha
  2. i was watching TRL and i noticed they were interviewing this girl that i met at the MTV live taping of paramore and she told daminen that trl needs to play misery business because they were talking about vidoes that deserve to be on the countdown for peoples considerations and they showed a clip of the video i thought that was cool haha since i just met the girl tuesday soo everyone should get to voting lol
  3. MY REVIEW: I won tickets and took the train from Boston stayed in NY for 3 days and i got meet and greeeeeeeet and i have a pic with them the meet and greet was sad it was like HI how are you, take a pic.. BYE lol. it was saddd but i think it was bc of MTV not like paramores choice.. heres the pic. i dont have show pics bc of the flash issue but i dominated the barricade and just enjoyed the show before the show started they had to tape us singing the chorus to misery business and crushcrushcrush. they made us take out our phones for the crushcrushcrush chorus because they said they were taping a commercial for verizon (i guess crushcrushcrush will be the song for it) soo we had a great position in front of jeremy. dominating the barricade they started with the mirachi music and BAM into misery business, then emergency,hayley said we were the best crowd they've ever had in NY.. i think it was because lauren and i were there personally haha.. but thats just me. she bumped into jeremy at one point and made a funny face it was hilarious haha. then here we go again (w/ the at the drive in one armed siccors break down ending), that's what you get, then hayley wanted us to shout the name of their new album ("RIOT!")then For a pessimist im pretty optimistic, Hallelujah, Franklin (we sang that soo loud for nashville Tn haha the lyrics kidna got messed up by hayley and us it was cute), let the flames begin, (which had a kick ass head banging instrumental performance into the next song) CRUSHCRUSCRUSH, Born for this,(i was nowhere near ready for them to leave) & a 2 song encore of Woah where they were too impressed by our energy to ask us to give them more they just hoped we had enough energy left for the last song of pressure. i wish josh and jeremy did the flip in pressure but jeremys bass strap broke =[ oh well hes a cutie. haha. so basically during all these songs lauren and me were getting filmed by the camera dudes because we rock out extra hard ya know? haha soo like he would film as getting all into the songs. we didnt look at him because your suppose to watch the show ya know? soo tahts why i think he filmed us. he had the camera on us for liek a full verse of franklin and a few other songs too. hopefully we didnt screw up the lyrics that would suck on tv haha. so yeah taht was our mtv debut. i didnt do the show justice at all. haha. like you seriously had to be there it was like seriously their best performance ive ever seen of them and this was my 5th time seeing them. they've just grown soo much as a band and have become alot tighter. amazing experience and im soo happy i got a chance to go in.
  4. hmm i wonder if ours will be the same thanks for posting
  5. kristina


    hey welcome im kristina have fun posting
  6. haha i wish everyone could win thissss. its such a great opportunity for everyone. i wish i had bought tickets on time because my aunt said i could have stayed with her =[. good luck to everyoneeeee. & thanks brent for doing this!
  7. heyy welcome im kristina have fun posting =]
  8. heyy welcome im kristina have fun postinggggg
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