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Everything posted by Jorgi

  1. Elizabeth, are you for real 20 ? literally just curious
  2. i had that, well, not quite that extreme... but it was messed up like, so odd. it's sorted now but apparently like there's so many links that can affect it, like if youre under stress or drinking too much caffeine, smoking too much or drinking too much and all that, like basically if you move away from your normal routine it can fuck it up apparently. i'm on the pill which regulates it, maybe try that ? should probably go see your doctor even if you do hate it, you know, better safe than sorry...
  3. hahah init, i PMS like an absolute bitch. and like, i know i'm being this massive bitch, but i just can't stop. i'm like RAGERAGERAGERAGE, and on the inside i'm like i'm so sorry but on the outside i'm still RAAAAGEEEE. stupid periods.
  4. init same, hahaha, so much effort though like, i'll wear make-up if i'm going out, but on a day to day basis... naahhh
  5. I hate valentine's day, like, thoroughly hate it, and i've had a boyfriend for the past 4 of them- will have one for this one too (unless something goes horribly wrong (as if)) and HATE valetines day. i'm working on sunday, anyway, so i get to avoid a lot of it. but it's like, me and my boyfriend have bought each other presents that we asked each other for that are pretty much the exact same in price value, so it's like, we might as well have bought ourselves them. not going out, either, although this part wasn't by my choosing (not that i'm bitter) stupid valentine's day. so over-hyped. ahh completely want to see this, seriously an actually amazing cast haha ! i think it'll be the new love actually. maybe.
  7. i confess i am probably going to have to go and drive to maccyDs in a minute. a Big Mac is calling my naaame...
  8. i don't know what the 75 means, but i'm a 34D and assuming the cup sizes remain the same where the other numbers don't, i find mine are relatively proportionate to the rest of me and really don't bother me that much ! just sayin' now, a girl who works at my work (at the bar, go figure) has HH boobs. the fuck.
  9. big boobs may indeed be a pain, but use them wisely and good fortune may befall thee...
  10. hot damn catie your freaky-scary thigh veins are just too much to take <3
  11. legitimately wish you two were in my life, like, in a reality-not-internet kind of way, youre just too damn rad. (without being all creepy, you know)
  12. i confess i am fully aware of the english coursework that is sat on my desk that needs doing for tomorrow, and i choose to ignore it. silly english coursework has no power over me !
  13. that photo is gorgeous. i am e-high-five-ing your colour organised dock and your ommmmmmmwriter, right this second. i literally change my background like at least once a day these days, but currently it is:
  14. Jorgi

    Brand New

  15. oh, shecks, what a (beautiful) douchebag. (entirely and completely just referring to ryan sheckler in that, by the way, before anyone gets the wrong idea kadi's gorgeous and not a douchebag!)
  16. this isn't an attack, i am just genuinely curious - why ?
  17. I would like to become an organ donor. ...not in any forseeable future, y'know, but yeah. i don't know why you wouldn't. i can understand it's not pretty and the idea is quite intrusive- but once you're dead, you're dead. even most religions acknowledge the fact that once you're dead your spirit moves on, leaving the body behind. so why not ? helping someone else out who evidently needs it ? i'm down. i give blood every 4 months as it is, and will sign up for the organ donor thing.
  18. for real ? how on earth else would you say your name ? keeyllooorrrrrr
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