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Everything posted by Komomaan

  1. I don't really understand whhat do you mean by samplers?
  2. Yeah, there was an Here We Go Again Acoustic bonus track on one of the versions of AWKIF. And I have it, but can't post it.
  3. ooh, I really like that one! I haven't seen it before
  4. Just, a flying clock is funny. It would be cool to see that on a T-shirt someone is wearing
  5. Good work! The first t-shirt desigs made ma laugh hard I can't think of any good lyrics for now, but maybe later
  6. It's just silly. The media destroyed the real meaning of emo
  7. I foiund a review from the show: http://intunemusic.wordpress.com/2007/10/24/paramore-the-starting-line-set-your-goals-sayreville-1023/ it's pretty good
  8. I've only seen Fences, Decoy, My Heart and the cover so far; but, ooh, that show is amazing. You can barely hear Hayley sing cause everyone's singing along! Isn't that just great?
  9. absoulutepunk posted them first also wrong
  10. Yeah, why edit it. That's just stupid.
  11. The faces in disguise vid is just amazing. I'm glad she's playing keyboard again. I'm jealous to of all you US people
  12. I thought to, cause dropping out HEre we Go Again would be really weird
  13. Which one is the real one now?
  14. what an amazing setlist. fences and decoy live! I have to see that
  15. Where does this come from? Are there more pics from this shoot?
  16. I love the pics. Thanks for posting
  17. If only the tour is still happening it's ok
  18. No, really? They didn't air the whoole show? That's lame of MTV
  19. Oooh. Great!! I know our chocolate is the best, Hayley.
  20. they should change the "we want the airwaves back" part in born for this to "we want the keyboard back"
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