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Everything posted by LikeDays

  1. Hahahaha, it IS southpark in the background, PS... Haha.. I went back and just listened to the background, and sure enough, something about "the town of Southpark" I love that show.
  2. Hahahaha, I love how Hayley is like "Ohhh, shiiiiioot..." Like she remembered it was a webisode and edited herself, lol.... I know I would have just forgotten lol... I wish I could do card tricks... Now I'm jealous haha.
  3. Baahhhh I want my shirts! Patience sucks. And why does Iowa get no love??? Chicago is still too far....
  4. Haha, really, who CAN hate her?... But you're right, people can be jerks for no apparent reason...
  5. ...."wait, where's zac?" ((remember, her ran away and kind of just dissappeared...))
  6. Ohhhh man! Thanks! You're great... *hugs*
  7. I feel bad for the girl, but it's one of those trainwreck situations... You know you shouldn't watch, but human nature forces you to, lol..
  8. Thaaaaaat would be awesome of you.... And I'd probably love you forever if you did that
  9. Lol, I agree, I don't doubt that it would be painful... Curiosity though, ya know...
  10. They're pretty spiffy--but then again I love synth stuff, and I know a lot of poeple can't stand it... http://www.myspace.com/thebirthdaymassacre Happy Birthday Would have to be my favorite song....
  11. Sooooo in an interview, Hayley and Jeremy are talking about how at a show, a chunk of her hair gets caught on Jeremy's bass and ripped out, lol... I was wondering if anyone knew of/had video of this... I guess it was at a Houston show? I dunno, the interview is on the PF site though.... PS: Sorry if 50 other people have asked this.
  12. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES! Took me back to the good ol' days when I was about 3 and watching the cartoon, playing with the action figures... Man, I love those guys.... Ninjas are freakin' awesome. (But pirates are about 50 times way cooler, ha.)
  13. Does anyone happen to have any of their songs other than DecoratingForCincoDeMayo, LonewolfMcquade (and the acoustic), and LoveTheLookHateTheLifeStyle? Those are the only four I can find....
  14. ((bah hah, me too)) So, the band figured, if we need to be more ghetto... The best way to start is to buy new Caddilacs! So they went to the dealer and...
  15. then hayley was like, "dude, what the hell did we just say?..." and Jeremy said...
  16. Zac went away. Then the rest of the band was like, ".......
  17. You should use this for his goodbye book.... Maybe? Lol, just a thought... I hear there really hasnt' been anything sent in yet...
  18. One of my biggest pet peeves, too... Then when I slip and accidentally do it myself, I beat myself up for hours about it, LOL... But I agree, they all look amazing...
  19. How about an award for the best/funniest submission to the "photoshop a paramore memeber's head onto something" or whatever it's called Thread... You know what I"m talking about??? I think it could be interesting...
  20. Hahaha, yeah, first time I saw that on Youtube I was like "OMG! OMG THAT'S ONE ARMED SCISSOR!!!!" I was pretty dern excited...
  21. Okay. 12:04 am--It's officially Tuesday. No PMore Aneheim yet. I'm dissappointed. lol.
  22. Okay, good, so I didn't sound like I had no idea what I was talking about when I was talking to my friends, hahah... Good to know, thanks.
  23. Yep, that. That's what happens. That's why I was confused. Gahhh, lol, sorry! I feel like I'm causing so many problems. Like I'm breaking the internet, lol.
  24. I'm so angry about Bamboozle. Honestly, my top five favorite bands ((PMore, TheForecast, FourLetterLie, Kenotia, AsILayDying...)) ALL playing at the same festival???! Craziness. That's like my dream show/concert whatever you wanna call it... But yeah, it's in flippin' May and in Jersey... And they can't travel, god forbid. I'm so mad. And $35 tickets?! Cheap, much. Life enjoys taunting me, I swear.
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