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Everything posted by the1

  1. It's going to go from the most honest song on the album to an overplayed annoying daytime radio staple. So it'll do great.
  2. She's fighting a losing battle. When they get as much press as they do, she doesn't need to keep up the LJ. It's pointless- as much as I guess people feel "connected" the whole thing has become a parody of itself. I mean, even the ones jumping in to defend her are going overboard with the whole "I care for you/love you/fooling myself into thinking I actually know you". It just seems kinda pointless to try and maintain a personal connection through a community when things like Twitter exist, that don't give birth to such drama.
  3. Oh noez, everything sucks. It's always the same people complaining about fuck-all on here.
  4. Yup, Frulli! This is an old pic. Hairs longer now...I think I preferred it shorter, spikier and blacker but hey who knows...
  5. I am holding a strawberry beer. This picture brings back emotions of both a confused, inquisitive and intoxicated nature.
  6. Jesus Christ. Many night's are missing from my life due to this substance. I work in a bar also, so it's not like I can avoid it haha. S'all good.
  7. The Academy 2 is my least favourite venue, ever. ML suck though, so nvmnd.
  8. Listen to Millionaires. Then you'll know why.
  9. and sucks far too much weiner. Oh, and makes shit "music"
  10. I think it's cos she's a fucking whore?
  11. Nah, the party don't start till that skank Ke$ha walks in.
  12. Woah. hold on. Let me digest that concept. No wonder it's called a Foam Party
  13. Fuck Yeah Mammoths Not if you put tennis rackets on your feet. Although then you look like even more of a dick. We will ride them to work and back every day. Yet so awesome.
  14. Something Allie isn't telling us, unless she was just talking about Ronnie again haha
  15. Despite me making the thread, I hate the fact that snow inevitable comes with cold weather. Curse logic. Imagine WARM snow...not yellow snow, but like, summer snow. AMAZING.
  16. The funny thing about England is how the whole country just collapses when we get any. The adults despair but the kids go ape shit haha
  17. This is about snow... *ahem* That's quite alot.
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