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Everything posted by Annmarie

  1. I've seen crushcrushcrush a few times on mtv2 and the hits. But, i think if more people actually brought the cds instead of downloading it, and if they were more known, they'd be higher. Have no idea why they are at 180, most of the stuff in the charts now adays is crappy
  2. I get ACDC 3 I was reading the bit Pete said in form today, it's really sweet. i need to buy this
  3. lmao hopefully they wont mess that up with mix message
  4. 3rd december is the deadline for people who brought presales then what to join the club. tbh I doubt they'd be posted the next day, they'd probably need to check through all the details.
  5. nope, we got a call and said we'd receive them in the post instead of getting them to print out. Whole reason we did that is cause our post is really shitty.
  6. Yeah, i could just picture that, maybe even getting Jeremy and Zac doing background vocals aswell but I doubt it'd happen.
  7. I'll have to pick it up on saturday because my HMV is too small so I go out of town, maybe my mum can buy it seeing as i'll be with her
  8. We done that because our post around here is shit and the backlog is still being sent out from march this year... But they emailed us and said they had to send it in the post instead. So i have no idea if im getting my tickets now =/ or who to go to with..
  9. you suck 3 Can I have it? i thought you were making a t-shirt not bag lol
  10. December >>>>> August unless I can find a whole paramore calendar, or I could just make my own.... but yeah I might get it, or i might of already spent my money on crushcrushcrush
  11. probably for workers who work with people who are like the girl in the story, to help them.
  12. i just got my ticket for the brixtion one lol had to get it from the brixtion site cause gigsandtours standing was sold out
  13. I love her acting but he singing irritates me... Especially that song she sings in HSM2 I hear it all the time thank to my brother 3
  14. It's in Germany lol It was the Lindt chocolate factory.
  15. Oooer i loved cologne, we were shopping there one day for our school trip and the teacher told us if we got lost look for the cathedral. and obv we got lost, except we couldn't see it. Then I nearly got ran over by those green/yellow train looking things that drive on the pavement. then we went to the chocolate factory... i'm on topic....
  16. im at school on wednesday when everyone's pressing f5 32423849238423 times trying to get tickets
  17. its def 26th got my brother to check. I was gonna go today and buy it and the harry potter dvd But i'll get them together when crushx3 comes out.
  18. http://www.seetickets.com/gat/event.asp?showname=PARAMORE Can anyone use that link? Or just fan club members? Because I could get them on wednesday, then i wouldn't have to worry all the way till sunday to see if I got tickets...
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