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Everything posted by Mutley

  1. ^ yep, we've got a rottweiler < i better take him for a walk actually v what was the last movie you watched?
  2. the golden compass, the film looks rubbish compared to the actual book mehamr (use it for hitting stuff)
  3. Emergency was on earlier wwtlty bought a balloon?
  4. They just finished their set, twas excellent. the streams a good quality especially since I'm using a wireless laptop connection.......it hasn't stopped once since its started Is it just me or was Taylor's guitar very difficult to hear, I could hear Josh's very clearly in all of the songs..........
  5. This is the link to the webcast page - http://attblueroom.com/music/events/kroq_xmas_mediaplayer.php
  6. don't think so hye knocked over someone's sand castle on purpose?
  7. ^ yeah < i'm tungry v looking forward to tomorrow?
  8. friday night with jonathan ross
  9. I pre-ordered the cd's and vinyls from that record store site also but it hasn't come yet, hopefully tomorrow it might. I'll probably go and get them from HMV as well but that is like 35 minutes away........
  10. I didn't know about this before but I was just flicking through channels and saw their awesome performance For some reason my sky had it listed as some other programme which was strange......
  11. Yeah I got the same email earlier also cause I used a different address when ordering the tickets, I just emailed them back telling them the email I used for the Fan Club and its all sorted now which is good I guess they cant tell us the winners of the M&G till after the 3rd Dec cause in the email thats the date it said ticket holders had to sign up to the fan club if they wanted M&G..........
  12. I wanna go to the second date also, just gotta see if any of my friends want to go to both nights........
  13. Yeah I'm going with a couple of my mates, so I guess I'll see you guys there
  14. I think they are just the M&G pre sale tickets
  15. I must have got it seconds before the london ones went
  16. Fourth time lucky I think, it gave me a confirmation page so I guess its done........it failed like 3 times before
  17. Wow thats really cool I might actually start listening to the radio now........
  18. ^ cold, but at least its not raining < damn school work V looking forward to anything tomorrow?
  19. Its dark and erm thats it, haven't left the house yet so dont know how cold it is.......
  20. Happy birthday man Hope you have/had a good day
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