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Everything posted by armsliketowers

  1. haha me too^ because i don't feel like checking that thread everyday to see where they are
  2. the muse, i've been there. it's pretty cool :] you should go! mapquest it
  3. lmao josh's expression so says "wtf..?"
  4. i agree completely and can someone please tell me what time TRL is on? i know it was on at 1 during the summer is it still or is it later now? because i never see it
  5. i can't get over my first love. we still talk & he keeps telling me he wants to be with me again once we live closer to each other. so i hung out with him yesterday and it was amazing, i finally let my guard down & i felt like i had fallen in love all over again. but of course, i come home today to find that he's still flirting up a storm with another girl and he's acting like yesterday never even happened. he's such a freaking jerk, sometimes i wish i could just move on but it's sooo hard. :/
  6. i'm bringing this thread back to life! sheesh september 10th, hopefully i'll be there but if my friend can't go (because it's a school night) i will not be pleased & get this... ryan c's brother works for my mom so i've talked to ryan a little & can probably get on the list ..small world!
  7. holycrap. i can't pick just one.... conspiracy, franklin, my heart, pressure & emergency wyf RIOT! song?
  8. kiss of course :] aaron (merch guy)
  9. oh & they HAVE to come to cleveland. :/ after that ridiculous storm... & i mean, the said on stage that they'd be back in the fall
  10. whaat?! haha that's crazy they haven't even been on the TRL countdown though, have they?
  11. considering they're playing with the starting line AND the almost, i can pretty much guarantee that they will play large venues. :/
  12. kiss on the cheek maybe barack obama?
  13. we know that you're christians, but faith aside, what are your morals? if you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be, what do you think you would talk about? what is it about nashville that makes you love it so much? favorite movies & tv shows? where do you see yourselves in 10 years? if you could visit anyplace in the world where would it be? WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL?! :]
  14. who cares if it's random!?! everyone does random things if you don't, i'm worried about you.
  15. haha uh.. i'd like to meet him but i wouldn't kiss him jason
  16. josh's hair looks freaking awesome with that hat on
  17. p is for.... uhhhhh PARAMORE! & pressure
  18. yeah when i was in hollister, buying colored skinny jeans none the less, they played paramore. i can't recall what song it was. but in hollister, they have one of those touch screens where customers can choose what they want to hear. i heard the girl behind me tell her friend "hey, that's paramore! the song we picked" hahaha pretty cool also, i work at pacsun & we play paramore :] every time they come on, it just makes working better!
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