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Everything posted by holleh

  1. ^^ The fact that I was stuck behind a fence sucked. I realized the suck after I met her cause I was crying. That's how cool I am.
  2. I met him at the TBS show in March and I got to do the "Doo doo" thing. It was amazing.
  3. It'll be on much axs. They put all the episodes on there. It'll be on youtube too. Does anyone have the link to the Nardwaur interview they did at warped? I missed it
  4. It sucked. She was like behind a fence (it was at Warped Tour) And I wanted totalk to her longer but she had to leave... But she's pretty tiny.
  5. I'm just kinda... Confused.
  6. Not really. It's just kinda getting something out without other people knowing who it is.
  7. I like it. Kind of like a secrets thread.
  8. Break Out, Break out-All Time Low
  9. I think I'm a bit taller than Hayley. She was standing on sort of a slant when I met her so I don't know...
  10. I was so mad. TAI... already came here and I read the bulletin that Gabe posted and I was like "NOOO WAAYY!!!" I was freaking out.
  11. I'm pretty sure they're on for the rest of the tour but I could be wrong.
  12. Hey Samantha! You'll have os much fun here everyone is really super nice. BTW, I'm Holly.
  13. Yup. I listened to AWKIF and then I listened to RIOT! and I realized the change in pretty much everything. I like it thiugh. It seems more mature.
  14. I don't know. They have the dates posted on their myspace I'm pretty sure...
  16. I just found out!! I'm so EXCITED!!!!!
  17. People in my class keep telling me that Hayley isn't pretty and that she looks like a crackwhore. I slapped this girl in the face and I got in trouble. It's really stupid and it made me cry.
  18. Thanks!! Haha I've been listening to the "Misery Business" one in my car and people think I'm gangster.
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