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Everything posted by my_sundown

  1. I got this for Christmas and until now it's pretty good.
  2. Congratulations to them both (: I wish them all the best, it's so lovely.
  3. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a good time (;
  4. ^ me too! I wish it wasn't that awkward all the time.
  5. LOOK AT ME 01. What is your current hair like? meh 02. What’s your natural hair colour? dark brown 03. What colour are your eyes? brown 04. Current piercings? ears 05. Straight hair or curls? something in between CURRENTLY WEARING 01. Shirt? yes 02. Shorts? no 03. Shoes? nope 04. Underwear? yup 05. Necklaces? no THIS OR THAT 01. Rock or rap? rock 03. Wild night out or romantic night in? wild night 04. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate 05. Hummer or sports car? hummer 06. Bracelet or necklace? bracelet 07. History or Science? history 08. Sleep in or early to rise? sleep in 09. Beach or boardwalk? beach 10. Hoodie or T-Shirt? T-Shirt 11. Night or day? day 12. High school or college? high school 13. California or Florida? florida 14. Love at first sight or learn to love? learn to love HAVE YOU EVER 01. Hugged someone? yes 02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? almost, so nope. 03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? yeeees 04. Laughed so hard, you peed in your pants? no LASTS 01. Person you talked to in person? my dad 02. Person you talked to on MySpace? none 03. Person you talked to on the phone? my friend 04. Person you texted on the phone? my friend 05. Person you talked to on IM? none OTHER 01. Do you like surveys? yes 02. What kind of shampoo do you use? herbal essences 03. Do you get along with your parents? mostly 04. Do you have mental breakdowns? no 05. Did you ever fake being sick? yes NOW Is your hair up? no Is your phone right beside you? yes Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? no Do you miss someone? yes Do you wish you were somewhere else? no Do you have plans for tonight? yes Are you wearing makeup? no Are you wearing chapstick? no Are you cold? yes Are you tired? no Are you excited? yes Are you watching TV? no Are you wearing pajamas? no PAST Anything you regret? yes Ever lied? yes Ever stuck gum under a desk? no Ever spit at someone? NO! Ever kick something living? no Ever had your nails done? no Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? no TODAY Have you yelled at someone? no Have you gotten mad at someone? yes Have you cried? no Have you called more than 3 people? no Have you IMed more than 3 people? no Have you gotten laid? no Have you eaten anything gross? no SPILL YOUR GUTS 01. First thing you did this morning? made my tea 02. Last thing you ate? sauerkraut 03. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? yes, it turns itself off when it's too cold. :/ 04. What's something you're looking forward to in the next 6 weeks? christmas/ new years eve. 05. What's annoying you right now? myself 06. What's the last movie you saw? Juno 07. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? no 08. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? yes 09. Where is the last place you went? zeh bathroom 1. Do you listen to any certain type of music when you work out? rock 2. When was the last time you killed a bug? long ago 3. Are you afraid of spiders? YES 4. What is one superstition that you always abide by? I don't believe in superstitions. 5. Do you know anyone who works as a truck driver? nope 6. Have you ever fixed a car? No 7. Do you collect anything weird? don't think so 8. Is there an animal in the room with you right now? no 9. What are you excited for? Christmas! 10. Which do you prefer, singing or dancing? singing, i can't dance. 11. Name one thing you do when you're nervous. my fingers get even colder than they actually are and i don't know what to do with them. 12. What movie do you think SHOULD have won the Oscar for Best Movie? Juno? 13. Who do you think is better, Sylvester Stallone or Steve McQueen? none of them 14. Did Jaws really scare you? didn't watch it. 15. Have you ever rode on a moped? yes, i hated it. 16. Does your house have more than one story? yes 17. Who starred in the last movie you watched at home? jennifer garner 18. Are you usually the one to make plans with friends, or the other way around? I'm the one that makes the plans. often gets cancelled though 19. How often do you discover new bands? it just happens 20. Do you listen to podcasts? If so, whose? no 21. Do you watch the BBC channel? rarely 22. Have you ever been to bored.com? yes 23. Which is your favourite music channel? mtv 24. Are you currently holding tickets for an upcoming event? no 25. Which year are you in a school, and are you satisfied with how this year has gone? in year 9 and it's going okay. 26. Were you a Backstreet Boys fan or an N'Sync fan? i liked them both, but I don't remember clearly. 27. How's your head lately? huge and vibrant 28. Do you know how to design web pages? I guess so, it would look like crap though 29. Is there a piece of art in the room with you right now? no 30. When was the last time you baked anything? a few weeks ago 31. Have you ever called someone a "wanker"? no 32. What colour is the bra you're wearing right now, if you are? black and green. 33. If you were forced to, would you rather go to an opera or a jazz concert? opera 34. Who rocks harder: Motley Crue or Guns N Roses? neither 35. Are you planning to cut your hair anytime soon? If so, how? no 36. Have you ever cut your own hair? Horribly? no 37. If it was your choice to pick a movie to watch, would you choose a rom-com or an action movie? rom-com 39. Have you ever watched Pee-Wee's Playhouse? no 40. Do you have any friends who are vegetarian/vegan? No, depends on that girl who had pretended to be a vegetarian.
  6. i love the blonde, but I love the red even more. (: She looks fantastic!
  7. Dear Shannon, yes, she actually gave me a better mark then the others. i was laughing so hard behind their back. ahahaha, there are so many ridiculous people around here. it nearly entertains you. Ida
  8. Dear Shannon, unfortunately they did. :/ i wasn't good friends with them...well, thank god! it just proves me what jerks people can be. On this day I wanted to let them know how much that made me mad, but I didn't want to make some drama out of it. to my surprise, the teacher noticed my part was missing. yeah, at least we all have us on here, haha. Ida
  9. Dear Shannon, that's one reason why I bought this super expensive "Don't be ignorant" bracelet and wear it everyday. i know, stupid example, but I know what you mean. some of my friends acted like this many times. I remember not long ago we had to put a project for school together over the weekend. everyone should make a part for the project. I went on, worked very long and tried to make it real good. so a few hours after I finished my part and it was the day before it was due, I got a text saying "sorry, we're going to leave your part out." great, couldn't they tell me earlier? no. I hate how somebody can hurt you by being so ignorant. Ida
  10. watched them this morning, they are brilliant!
  11. Alvarez - Funeral For A Friend I've been listening to this song the whole week. it's brilliant.
  12. Happy Birthday Faith! I hope you're having a great day (:
  13. Dear Shannon, aw, thank you! you're welcome and I'm so glad you like it! you're pretty amazing, too. Idaaa Dear Demi, haha awwwh, thank you so much! you can't imagine how glad I am that you all like it so much. Ida PS. i don't think it's so neat but thank you very much! (;
  14. Happy belated birthday! i hope you had a great day, erin!
  15. It's Taylor's birthday today, so wish him all the best! Happy Birthday Taylor! Have an awesome day ;D now there is only one teenager left in paramore, hehe.
  16. it's snowed a few times here. well, ...baby-snowflakes.
  17. Dear Shannon, trust Demi, perfect people do not exist. don't let anyone get you down. Ida
  18. OMG DEMI! you look awesome near Zac and Jeremy. still jealousss, but I'm glad you got to meet them!
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