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Everything posted by reaglephoenix

  1. awwwwwwwwwww this sadddens me greatly! Fuse is getting worse and worse.
  2. Hahaha. that is pretty much the best scene
  3. I wish they would just tell us already!!!!! As long as Ben Barnes ends up being Aro I'll be happy with it anyway haha.
  4. I think I'm gonna like it. We'll see after it comes out haha.
  5. That was hilarious. End of story. I don't know why I can only stand criticism of things I like if their in the form of comedy haha.
  6. Indeed, Justin Chatwin is not quite beastly enough to play Goku, but we must remember he's only playing teenage Goku not full grown Goku.
  7. I wish Steven Strait wasn't married. And I was old enough to date him. But that's in a perfect world. haha.
  8. It looks good if she's head banging or something haha.
  9. what is this crap. no. haha, I'm just being hostile. maybe I'll change my mind later.
  10. Push It To The Limit- Corbin Bleu lol
  11. this is true, maybe we'll get lucky haha I just don't think it will be the same without Taylor.
  12. ha, Chuck Norris would be the best.
  13. The Host- Stephenie Meyer gosh, I've been reading this for like a year and I'm still not done with it haha. It's good, I just never have time to read.
  14. I'll be happy if they get Steven Strait to do it...but I don't think they will, I think he's too old.
  15. oh man, anticipation is murder. I saw Justin Chatwin (Goku) on an old episode of Lost last night and I freaked out haha
  16. If they replace Taylor I'm gonna cry. Not really...but I'm gonna be pretty pissed. I'm really scared theyre gonna mess up this movie. I had full faith in them with Twilight, but it feels like theyre letting it get to their heads now and theyre just gonna screw up new moon. I hope I'm wrong.
  17. yeah that sounds awesome, thanks I think Bar-ba-sol and Come Back to Me are my favorites. Oh, and Lie, too! I actually really like Light On, it's Time of My Life that I have a problem with lol. It's just so cheesy.
  18. Oh my gosh you guys, is anyone else really worried about Chuck?!?!?! For some reason I feel like I'm investing way too much in the wellbeing of a fictional character haha.
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