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Everything posted by SWE

  1. They still seem to be "new" for the audience in Europe. I don't know. It feels like it's gone ages since they've gone mainstream with Riot!
  2. Vi ska bara leva klart - Raymond & Maria (L)
  3. Not alone, but with a choir, but it was times ago. Hye been in a church alone?
  4. Breaking Down. Cars or Motorcycles?
  5. Decembertunn luft ingen eld utan rök Du ska ta ditt förnuft till fånga, göra ett försök Räknar IQ min vän Siffror & tal En nolla i mängden försummbar och svag
  6. True. Knows Hayleys top 5 favorite bands without looking it up?
  7. Yeees. Kom hem från skolan nyss. 1 kg godis + coca cola light kommer göra min fredag perfekt. Fortfarande inget festande, men nästa vecka, då jävlar.
  8. -School -Bought candy&coke -Watched tv-series
  9. To this 4-4 beat I’m in time with you, ohh To this 4-4 beat I would die for you (die for you) (Someone stop this)
  10. You forgot the "V" ^ Okey (!) < Eating my breakfast! V Was still asleep when I wrote this?
  11. Nope. Studying in university?
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