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Confession Thread - Part 8


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Damn people with their great, clear skin.

I have been using all this acne removal stuff and I still have acne.

It makes me a sad panda, cos I'd look like hte most perfect guy ever without acne : P

Should a male be so worried about his skin like this?

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Cystic Breakouts, ew, I think I've had some of those before, but I can't remember.

I had this weird thing my chest last week, some bump filled with pus, it broke open and wouldn't stop bleeding/pouring out puss for like an hour or so:|

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I think its perfectly fine that you worry about it Harry.

I think more guys should care about it, to be quite honest.


The world needs more sensitive new age guys lol.

I cry, but I dunno if that makes me a SNAG though.

It seems none of my other male friends seem to worry about it, so when I talk about this stuff I can only relate to it with my female friends:mrgreen:

But yeah, if more males cared, less males would look like cave men.

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Cystic Breakouts, ew, I think I've had some of those before, but I can't remember.

I had this weird thing my chest last week, some bump filled with pus, it broke open and wouldn't stop bleeding/pouring out puss for like an hour or so:|


.....that's not cystic acne haha

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The world needs more sensitive new age guys lol.

I cry, but I dunno if that makes me a SNAG though.

It seems none of my other male friends seem to worry about it, so when I talk about this stuff I can only relate to it with my female friends:mrgreen:

But yeah, if more males cared, less males would look like cave men.


I think its cool if a dude shows some emotion. I mean, I don't want a dude to be more emotional than me (which is hard to do because I can be quite emotional) but I definitely think its awesome when I dude cares about emotions and personal appearance. Its a self-respect thing. I'd be more inclined to like a guy that respects himself than one that doesnt.

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I think its cool if a dude shows some emotion. I mean, I don't want a dude to be more emotional than me (which is hard to do because I can be quite emotional) but I definitely think its awesome when I dude cares about emotions and personal appearance. Its a self-respect thing. I'd be more inclined to like a guy that respects himself than one that doesnt.




people would probably lead you to believe girls don't like nice guys....but we do

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Being a somewhat eccentric, and introverted person isn't helping my quest to find a girl that likes nice guys.

For a while I was into "crazy" girls, but I'm really growing out of that and would rather find someone who wants to do something respectable rather than binge drink in the street like 2 of my ex's did:|

Awww, I'm all grown up now

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Major props to girls who aren't sluts, seriously.

I know girls that have had UNPROTECTED sex with 7 guys in one night pukeface.gif

And sadly, that girl happens to be one of my ex (but she did the 7 guys thing after we broke up).

I don't really understand why I seem to (at least in the past anyway) attract girls with severe personality problems that are also complete sluts (and usually massively depressed).

I don't do drugs (well, not much, weed about once a month hardly constitutes hard drug usage), I don't go out looking for fights....I'm well, a pretty well behaved, generally nice dude, yet nice girls don't seem attracted to me:?

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"tbh legit nice girls are about as rare as nice guys these days"

I guess that's true.


And me being stupid, idiotic, dumb fuck me, i spend all that time trying to understand them, ask about their past so I can undersatnd them better, encourage them to take a better direction in life.

But then they just don't change, and I've wasted months of my life trying to help someone, and in the end we both end up even worse off than we started.

Time I could have spent bettering myself, working on my own problems first, but I can't seem to do that, even though everyone tells me I'll just hurt myself in the end if I keep putting others before me so often.

The best I could do is to limit the amount of freindships I have, but that's about it relaly.

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tbh legit nice girls are about as rare as nice guys these days


True facts.

Most of the girls I know are total sluts and its really depressing.


I'm lucky that I've found the group of friends I have at my university because we all believe the same stuff and none of us are slutty. hahaha.

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