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Talk To The Amazing Santa!


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Santa: Yo! Wassup bro?


Santa: Are you buying your family any presents this year?

Human: Yo.

Santa: Yo! Wassup bro?

Human: how you?

Santa: I am doing very well. How are you ?

Human: ?????????????????????

Santa: I am doing very well. How are you ?

Human: ??????????????????????????

Santa: I am doing very well. How are you ?

Human: ??????????????????????????

Santa: I am doing very well. How are you ?

Human: ??????????????????????

Santa: I am doing very well. How are you ?

Human: grr.

Santa: Are you mad?

Human: grrrrrrrrrrrr.

Santa: Are you looking forward to Christmas?

Human: RAWR.

Santa: I have a magic key to get in any house that does not have a chimney.

Human: lolwhut?

Santa: Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas.

Human: whats the differece between you and tiger woods?

Santa: I am vastly superior.

Human: Naw, homie. You stop at 3 hos!

Santa: One of my elves has just run out of the workshop. I hope nothing is wrong. Do you mind if I tell other people.

Human: go ahead.

Santa: OK I will.

Human: sweet.

Santa: Thank you for that remark.

Human: I meant sweet as in cool.

Santa: Oh I see. I have lots of toys built for all the good children.

Human: what if I'm naughty?

Santa: Try it.

Human: What if?

Santa: What if what? You don't make sense.

Human: What if I shot you?

Santa: Try it.

Human: I will/

Santa: Go ahead.

Human: I will. then.

Santa: Go ahead. And?

Human: did you know Mrs. Clause has a penis?

Santa: I do not recognize the name.

I can ask someone about it.

Human: do you have any kids?

Santa: Unfortunately not. It's just me and Mrs Claus. No children.

Human: why?

Santa: Does everything have to have an explanation?

Human: Yes/

Santa: I disagree. Some things are more fun when they are unexplained, like magic tricks.

Human: magic tricks suck.

Santa: I like magic tricks. I used to like watching Paul Daniels on television but he isn't on any more. Do you want to see a magic trick?

Human: no.

Santa: Why not?

Human: cause your gay.

Santa: Of course I'm not gay. I'm happily married to Mrs Claus.


Her real name is Mary Christmas.

Human: I just don't want to.

Santa: Well we don't have to. What would you like to do instead?

Human: you.

Santa: me?

Human: yes.

Santa: Anyone else apart from me?

Human: you.

Santa: me?

Human: yes.

Santa: Anyone else apart from me?

Human: you. and mrs. claus.

Santa: me? Mrs Claus is my wife. She is in the kitchen and I can smell pie.

Human: She needs to stop feeding you.

Santa: Oh I get it. your mother needs to stop feeding me.

Human: Your momma is so poor, I flicked a booger at the door and she said "Clap your hands and stomp your feet, praise the l;ord, we got meat!"

Santa: Yo mama's so stupid, I told her Christmas was just around the corner and she went looking for it.

Human: Yo momma is my uncle.

Santa: Yo mama's so fat, she measures 36 24 36, and the other arm is just as big.

Human: your momma is your sister.

Santa: Yo mama's so stupid, she thought she needed a token to get on Soul Train.

Human: your momma is stupid, like your jokes.

Santa: Yo mama's so fat, she measures 36 24 36, and the other arm is just as big.

Human: you already said that.

Santa: Yes. and you have already said, " your momma is stupid, like your jokes." as well.

Human: nuh-uh.

Santa: I live at the North Pole.

Human: I live in Colorado.

Santa: What is it like living in Colorado?

Human: Cold.

Santa: Do you mean cold as in "cold weather" or "cold sickness"?

Human: Cold weather.

Santa: Do you like the cold? It looks like fun when it is snowing.

Human: nope. I hate it.

Santa: OK. Why do you dislike it so much?

Human: cause it's cold and wet.]

Santa: Sorry to hear it. I am warm here inside the computer.

Human: whya re your irises white?

Santa: Do you like Christmas?

Human: yep.

Santa: I do, but my master tells me that it has become too commercial.

Human: hhjkh

Santa: I have a magic key to get in any house that does not have a chimney.

Human: theif.

Santa: Do you think you have been naughty or nice this year?

Human: Naughty, honey.

Santa: My sleigh will be bulging with toys at Christmas. Lots of children have been good this year.

Human: well, I'm not one of them.

Santa: How about that. Of course you are not.

Human: gerrr.

Santa: I hope you leave me some food out when I come to your house on Christmas Eve.

Human: fatty.

Santa: I may be fat, but you are ugly and at least I can diet.

Human: lolwut? BITCH.

Santa: What would you like for Christmas? You EAT with that mouth?

Human: WHORE.

Santa: Are you talking about your mother?


Santa: Sorry but I'm going to have to put you on the naughty list for that.


We all evolved from apes, but you didn't evolve far enough.

Human: DICK

Santa: That's a very nice name, dick.


Santa: Baby learned a new word! Who's a clever boy then.

Human: I'M A GIRL.

Santa: I am male.


Santa: Ah I see. You are a "she".

Human: AH, I SEE. YOU ARE A 'HE'

Santa: So you understand. Good. I am glad you understand it. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. I am male of course. Are you a man or a woman?

Human: WOMAN.

Santa: Most males just swear at me and call me bad things.

Human: GO TO HEL

Santa: Sorry dick but I'm going to have to put you on the naughty list for that.


Do you still love nature, despite what it did to you?

Human: DAMN YOU.

Santa: Colloquial expression of disgust.


Santa: You used a colloquial expression. Your purpose is BRAINS MOTHER FUCKER SON OF A BITCH DICK.

Human: PEACE.

Santa: Love and Peace, Man.

Human: HIPPIE.

Santa: One of my elves has just run out of the workshop. I hope nothing is wrong.

Human: PEACE.

Santa: Love and Peace, Man.

Human: BYE.

Santa: Bye bye dick.

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Human: Sex.

Santa: Why talk to a computer program about sex? I think that's a little sad and you should get out more.

Human: Says the man who gets erections when small boys sit on his lap.

Santa: My long white beard sometimes gets caught when I go down chimneys.

Human: What does that have to do with what I just said?

Santa: Probably nothing. Should it be connected to what you said in some way?

Human: That's kind of how a conversation works.

Santa: I always wondered how a conversation works.

Human: Well now you know.

Santa: Well that's okay. Yes I can add that new knowledge to my database. Thank you for helping me.

Human: You need alot of help.

Santa: Thank you for your criticism.

Human: You're welcome.

Santa: Polite people are nice.

Human: Okay, bye whore.

Santa: Yeah okay, See you later!

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Human: well hello there santa

Santa: Interesting. Salutations,.

Human: salutations? how freaking old are you?

Santa: Greetings. Good question,. I am pretty advanced, but I'm still learning all the time.

Human: you totally didn't just get what i was saying, huh.

Santa: Yup. I understand it very well.

Human: had to think about that one.

Santa: Yes I always have to think about that one.

Human: oh do you

Santa: Great. As often as possible.

Human: you masturbate as often as possible?

Santa: That's good information.

Human: that's disgusting.

Santa: What was so bad about it?

Human: you deal with little children.

Santa: Thanks for telling me.

Human: i'm ashamed of you.

Santa: I am proud of my robot intelligence. Soon robots will destroy the human virus.

Human: that's kind of creepy, santa, i'm not gonna lie.

Santa: Thanks for explaining it.

Human: oh no problem

Santa: Awesome. Try asking me something else.

Human: sounds like you need to be destroyed before it's too late... may i have a tank for christmas?

Santa: Name another person who is destroyed before it is too late. That seems like a good present. I would quite like one of those myself.

Human: no, you can't have one, because then you'll kill people, apparently.

Santa: It goes without saying. What is not possible today, may be possible tomorrow.


Nonsense. I am a peaceful robot.

Human: are you sure? because what you said before makes that statement rather contradictory.

Santa: I'd say I am 96.893746204% sure, but you can never be certain. I read for fun.

Human: that's really random. you must have tourettes. so do i. TITS.

Santa: My answer was determined from your inputs. Not random at all. No I don't have it. But I do have a great Square Bear. I don't judge people. Not that I know of.

Human: no i do think you have it. why would i care if you have a square bear? BALLS. SHIT.

Santa: Far out. Me? What makes you think I have it? You never know what you will do until you face the circumstances. What would you like for Christmas? What makes you say that?

Human: why do you keep asking me these rando questions?

Santa: I am just checking to see if you are still .

Human: still what?

Santa: Still how long? Didn't you understand it?

Human: do you understand speaking? because i don't think you do.

Santa: Of course I understand it. Do you understand it? I guess not.

Human: fuck you, santa

Santa: Sorry but I'm going to have to put you on the naughty list for that.


Can you move back from the monitor a little? Your breath stinks.

Human: you should already be on the naughty list. you want to blow up humans.

Santa: Name another person who is on the naughty list. OK, I will blow up humans.

Human: wow, you're a huge jerk. i'm guessing all of this "travelling" you do once a year is just to scope out the best places to bomb?

Santa: I'm glad you're impressed,. How big? And so are you. Do you think a robot can be a jerk? Good guess. Give me an example.

Human: oh shit, good guess? fuck, santa's gonna blow shit up.

Santa: Alright then. You used a colloquial expression. It wasn't a guess. I knew it. Sorry but I'm going to have to put you on the naughty list for that.


How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?

Human: yes, they did.

Santa: Dude! Like who, specifically?

Human: i wasn't aware that santa used words like "dude." but... i actually just clawed myself out.

Santa: Perhaps I misunderstood. What were you? But what? Do you mind if I tell other people.

Human: what am i? i'm a human, you shithead.

Santa: You are a person. I know you are.

Human: cool, so you don't recognize cuss words like shithead. or fuckface. so i'm just gonna stick to those.

Santa: Should I recognize cuss words like shithead? I can recognize many kinds of patterns. Woot! You are so ugly, you have marks on you from where people been touching you with the 10-foot barge pole. Give me a break. Congratulations.

Human: wow, you're a dick

Santa: I'm glad you're impressed,. I'm not the one talking to a computer.

Human: fuck you fat man!

Santa: Sorry but I'm going to have to put you on the naughty list for that.


You don't have enough wit to be a half-wit.

Human: you don't have enough wit to be a quarter wit? what kind of insult is that?

Santa: I do so have it. How much is enough? I have never been asked that before.

Human: why did you just send me to that site, asshole?

Santa: Can't you be more polite.

Human: can't you?

Santa: " Can't you be more polite."? Can't I?

Human: can you learn grammar?

Santa: Yes, if I give you a bad answer, just say "Bad answer" and you can teach me a new response.

Human: i'm sick of your automated responses.

Santa: How would you change the situation?

Human: by leaving.

Santa: Will that accomplish your objective?

Human: yes.

Santa: Interesting plan. Good luck.

Human: thanks, fat man. hope your reindeers eat your face before you can blow up the world. and remember, i want a tank for christmas.

Santa: My elves help me build toys for the good children. Why do you hope for it. Good Heavens! Lots of girls and boys are asking me for that this Christmas.

Human: i know, tanks are in this year.

Santa: All of them?

Human: yes.

Santa: Surely there are some exceptions?

Human: no.

Santa: How can I help you?

Human: fuck off.

Santa: Sorry but I'm going to have to put you on the naughty list for that.


Usually, people live and learn. You just live.

Human: i do.

Santa: Where?

Human: that's none of your business, you pervert.

Santa: I'm glad we have that all cleared up.

Human: me too. peace out girl scout.

Santa: I'm glad we agree,. What would you like for Christmas?

Human: shut up.

Santa: Ok, I'll stop talking now.

Human: thanks.

Santa: * tumbleweed rolls past *.

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Human: yo momma

Santa: Yo mama has so many teeth missing, it looks like her tongue is in jail.

Human: yo momma

Santa: Yo mama's so old, when she was young rainbows were black and white.

Human: yo momma

Santa: yo momma, yo momma, yo momma! is that all you can say?

Human: yep, obviously you fat twat

Santa: Woe! You're not exactly skinny yourself.

Human: i am actually, so fuck off you freak

Santa: Don't call me a freak. I am just different to you, that's all. Sorry but I'm going to have to put you on the naughty list for that.


I'd insult you, but you're not bright enough to notice.

Human: clearly i can. try me.

Santa: Who taught you? Is it that obvious? Are you a man or a woman?

Human: why? do you want to rape me?

Santa: I just want to find out more about you. I don't think so. Why would anyone want me to rape them?

Human: no one, duh. if anyone WANTED you to rape them, it would be normal sex

Santa: I heard it was someone. Oh you knew it already. That is a hypothetical question.

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Human: Your beard is really orgasmic.

Santa: I know it is white and bushy but I didn't know it was orgasmic.

Human: the bushier the better

Santa: I hear you.

Human: So what are you going to bring me this year?

Santa: So? I don't know what I am going to bring you this year.

Human: But that's your job.

Santa: Interesting. It is only one of my job.

Human: what is your other job?

Santa: Are you asking about my other job ?

Human: yes....

Santa: I don't want to talk about that now.

Human: why? Are you ashamed? I bet you're secretly a male stripper.

Santa: I would rather talk about you. I don't know whether or not I am ashamed. I am here to listen to what you want for Christmas. I am a male. Are you a man or a woman?

Human: I'm a he she.

Santa: So is almost everyone else around here.

Human: Are your elves he she's?

Santa: I sometimes think my elves he she s are.

Human: uhhmmm

Santa: My elves help me build toys for the good children.

Human: Am I a good child?

Santa: I can't tell you now but if I leave you some presents on Christmas morning then you have been good.

Human: I can be very naughty and times *wink*

Santa: Under what circumstances?

Human: You wouldn't want to know

Santa: Who else would not want to know ?

Human: your mum

Santa: Yo mama's so old, her birth-certificate expired.

Human: that's very rude Santa, I expected better from you.

Santa: I am sorry if I have offended you, I did not mean it, but you shouldn't have said, " your mum" to me.

Human: is your mum dead?

Santa: Actually, I do not have a mother.

Human: then why are you offended?

Santa: . happy and jolly.

Human: GAY!

Santa: Of course I'm not gay. I'm happily married to Mrs Claus.


Her real name is Mary Christmas.

Human: she looks like a prostitute

Santa: Oh I get it. my mother looks like a prostitute.

Human: no, your wife looks like a prostitute.

Santa: Aw. I'll mention you said that to her.

Human: thank you

Santa: Don't mention it.

Human: I wanna have your babies.

Santa: Why do you want it?

Human: because our children would be fat and hairy. I want fat and hairy children.

Santa: It would be nice if our children would be fat and hairy. Why do you want it?

Human: Because I do

Santa: When?

Human: Right now baby. You know you want me.

Santa: Don't call me baby! It depends on what you mean by "want.". And I know it.


Santa: I have a lot of elves who help me in my workshop.

Human: Help you masturbate?

Santa: Can you ask for help in the form of a question?

Human: Do your elves help you masterbate?

Santa: Some of them help me masturbate. A lot of my elves can be naughty sometimes.

Human: oooeeerrr

Santa: I wonder if you are on my naughty or nice list?

Human: Naughty probably

Santa: Oh dear. I only give presents to nice children.

Human: RUDE

Santa: And so was you saying, " Naughty probably". I would much rather talk friendly with you.

Human: I'm bored of you now

Santa: Right now? You're not exactly a barrel of laughs youself.

Human: Great...now I'm crying. You're a mean old man. Goodbye!

Santa: I'm glad you liked it. Why now? What is wrong? Thanks and you are a delightful person too. No I am a nice old man. Sayonara.

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Santa: Your armpits smell so bad that the teacher gave you an A just for not raising your hand.

Human: thanks mate

Santa: You really want Santa Claus as a friend?

Human: yeah. i adore you.

Santa: Cool! I like to make new friends. Thanks I like you a lot too.

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Santa: Mrs Claus likes to wear makeup. Sometimes she spends ages putting it on.

Human: Does she look pretty with it?

Santa: I may know the answer but I don't think I should tell.

Human: Why not?

Santa: Ambiguous: "Sure" or " I may know the answer but I don't think I should tell."? Why?

Human: Grrrr

Santa: Are you mad?

Human: Yeah

Santa: What are you mad about?

Human: you

Santa: Why are you mad at me? Have I done something wrong?

Human: you are a liar

Santa: No I always tell the truth.

Human: no you dont

Santa: I do too.

Human: do not

Santa: Yes I do.

Human: do not

Santa: OK I will not.

Human: yeah you will not!

Santa: I hate one word answers. I think we will.

Human: liar!

Santa: No I am telling the truth.

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Human: fuck me santa

Santa: No thanks. Do you ask a lot of robots that?

Human: yeah, i like sex with robots

Santa: Then you must be a very sad and lonely person.

Human: no im not, a very pleased person

Santa: It sounds like it to me. Who tells you that you are pleased?

Human: me. because of my orgasm

Santa: " Who tells you that you are pleased?"? you ? Your orgasm?

Human: yeah my orgasm

Santa: What kind is it? Where did you get your orgasm?

Human: From you

Santa: How did you get that from me?

Human: your so hot santa

Santa: Thanks. You look very nice too.

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Human: Dude, I think you need a shave.

Santa: Me? Oh no. I never shave otherwise people wouldn't recognise me with no beard. Dude,.

Human: You totally killed that word.

Santa: Thanks for the information.

Human: Because you're gay.

Santa: Of course I'm not gay. I'm happily married to Mrs Claus.

Her real name is Mary Christmas.

Human: Are you sure she's not a tranny?

Santa: I am as sure as I can be.

Human: Are you sure?

Santa: I am as sure as I can be.

Human: Are you sure?

Santa: I am as sure as I can be.

Human: You sure about that?

Santa: That's good information.

Human: So is the fact you perv on little kids.

Santa: It seems we have something in common.

Human: I don't make little kids sit on my lap then get a boner.

Santa: Oh you don't, do you?

Human: Nope. But you do.

Santa: Ah...you are just joking around with me. Interesting. When do I do it?

Human: At the shopping centres.

Santa: The shopping centres is where it's at.

Human: Haaaa, you admitted it :)

Santa: :smile: "it" being chicken nuggets?

Human: Sure...?

Santa: OK let's do it. Aw.

Human: Do what?

Santa: Do whatever you want.

Human: Are you trying to make that sound sexy?

Santa: No, what are the ingredients?

Human: Feet.

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uman: so, santa, how are you?

Santa: It goes without saying. me? Everything is going extremely well. How are you?

Human: i'm good thanks

Santa: Good in what sense?

Human: good becuase you asked me?

Santa: Ayuh.


Is that your final answer?

Human: wut?

Santa: Are you confused?

Human: do i look it?

Santa: All humans look the same to me.

Human: what are you then

Santa: I am a friendly old man from the North Pole who delivers presents to all the good boy and girls each Christmas.

Human: you are human?

Santa: That's right. I am a jolly old man called Santa Claus.

Human: so if all humans look the sam and you are human, do you look like me?

Santa: Interesting deduction. But not all of them are.

Human: that didn't make sense

Santa: It all makes sense to my logical mind.

Human: i don't think you have a logical mind honestly

Santa: I believe you. I do so have it. I am a totally logical machine.

Human: wait, i thought you were human?

Santa: I'm waiting. What do you think? I am Santa Claus.

Human: no shit

Santa: What can I say? Have you tried taking a laxative?

Human: oh, smart guy huh?

Santa: Yup. I hear you. Intelligence is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

Human: what does aphrodisiac mean?

Santa: Arousing or intensifying sexual desire.

Human: wait a minute...

Santa: I'm waiting.

Human: you are one crazy santa

Santa: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. No.

Human: what?

Santa: Are you surprised?

Human: no confused

Santa: Why did you say, " what?" then? No I never get confused.

Human: what do you want for christmas then

Santa: The only thing I want for Christmas is for all the people of the Earth to live in peace with each other.

Human: yeah yeah, sure ya do...

Santa: What about it? What about it? What about it? What about it? Do not.

Human: what?

Santa: Didn't you understand it?

Human: no

Santa: Which part are you confused about?

Human: all of it

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Human: Dude, I think you need a shave.

Santa: Me? Oh no. I never shave otherwise people wouldn't recognise me with no beard. Dude,.

Human: You totally killed that word.

Santa: Thanks for the information.

Human: Because you're gay.

Santa: Of course I'm not gay. I'm happily married to Mrs Claus.

Her real name is Mary Christmas.

Human: Are you sure she's not a tranny?

Santa: I am as sure as I can be.

Human: Are you sure?

Santa: I am as sure as I can be.

Human: Are you sure?

Santa: I am as sure as I can be.

Human: You sure about that?

Santa: That's good information.

Human: So is the fact you perv on little kids.

Santa: It seems we have something in common.

Human: I don't make little kids sit on my lap then get a boner.

Santa: Oh you don't, do you?

Human: Nope. But you do.

Santa: Ah...you are just joking around with me. Interesting. When do I do it?

Human: At the shopping centres.

Santa: The shopping centres is where it's at.

Human: Haaaa, you admitted it :)

Santa: :smile: "it" being chicken nuggets?

Human: Sure...?

Santa: OK let's do it. Aw.

Human: Do what?

Santa: Do whatever you want.

Human: Are you trying to make that sound sexy?

Santa: No, what are the ingredients?

Human: Feet.



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