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HAI GUYZ !! this is for my English essay, I was discussing this with Ross for a while.


I have two questions, they're yes/no questions but I definitely wouldn't mind an explanation as to why you're saying it, that would really help actually...And think of it broadly - not just about Paramore.


Do you feel a band's quality of their music/musical talent declines as they become more popular?


Do you feel you lose connection with a band when they become mainstream?



thnx. :hug:

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Do you feel a band's quality of their music/musical talent declines as they become more popular?


Depends. I think it depends on what attitude the band have to things because if they get more and more fans they'll try harder to make their music even better and they imrpove lyrically. I don't think the talent declines unless they begin to be like 'oh yeah we have a huge fanbase now, who cares?!' and then they don't put as much effort in.


Do you feel you lose connection with a band when they become mainstream?


Yes. I think you do feel dissapointed because there are a lot of new fans, some fake fans, and this irritates people. In a way though you also feel happy for them because you have pride in saying 'oh yeah I've liked these guys since their EP/First album' or whatever. I do think you lose a certain connection though because concerts aren't as intimate and you just feel like everything's not as chilled out and what not with the band.


I hope this helps :D

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Do you feel a band's quality of their music/musical talent declines as they become more popular?

i don't think talent can decline but i think quality of the music definitely can

however i don't that's really relative to their popularity but it's more about the band's attitude and what they're willing to do

even a small band can lose focus or give up trying to be better and turn stale


Do you feel you lose connection with a band when they become mainstream?

this one is going to be difficult for me to explain

i don't think you necessarily lose the connection with a band because they became popular but you can lose something

maybe it's just me, but when i'm a really big fan of a small band it sort of feels like an exclusive club

finding someone else who likes them as much as you do or hearing about them in the press isn't really common so it feels special

when they become big that exclusive feeling sort of goes away and it feels less special and maybe a bit less interesting...but i don't think the actual connection is gone unless you let it go

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Do you feel a band's quality of their music/musical talent declines as they become more popular?


I'd argue their talent doesn't decrease (as surely over time, you can really only get better at what you do) but how they choose to use it changes. As popularity increases, I imagine label pressure will also increase leading the label wanting something to be a certain way - I mean, I'm sure it was Thursday who were signed to a major label and told they had to be the new Nirvana! Appealing to a more common denominator becomes more apparent as the sales rack up. If bands wish to stay popular within the mainstream, they do have to, almost literally, follow the format. So, to answer your question yes, I feel the quality decreases, personally. But I don't think talent does.


Do you feel you lose connection with a band when they become mainstream?

Yes. I can think of plently of bands I've seen play to crowds of a couple hundred, sign my cd's/posters/sets, ask how I'm doing, ask my friends why I'm not at a gig of theirs etc..Then one single later become impossible to talk to. On a personal level I feel disconnected the more popular an act become. At the same time though, this is counter balanced by increased exposure, so although I might not be asking them questions, radio presenters, newspaper columnists and television hosts will be.

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Do you feel a band's quality of their music/musical talent declines as they become more popular?

most people may say yes but no not at all. i dont think musical talent can decline. if you have talent then you have talent, you can't take it back. the thing about this is that alot of bands that become more popular may change some things (their sound, production, etc.) the talent is still there. alot of people like a band's raw sound which is usually there when the band first comes out as bands get popular they may experiment with different sounds and producers.


Do you feel you lose connection with a band when they become mainstream?

in a way yes. it isn't as easy to meet or talk to bands when they are mainstream. So many people want to meet them. if a band wasn't that popular it is so much easier to talk to them and get to know them personally. and i think thats why some "older" fans of different bands get mad when bands become mainstream. but some bands do try to talk to all of their fans through LiveJournal, or Myspace, or even at shows.






yeah that doesn't sound smart at all lol but i tried my best lol

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Do you feel a band's quality of their music/musical talent declines as they become more popular?

Hmm I don't think so. Unless they get to the point where they just churn out album after album of the same old stuff with nothing new or fresh. I mean if they were popular and selling loads of records they could easily just "phone it in" on the next album knowing full well that people would still buy it.


Do you feel you lose connection with a band when they become mainstream?

It all depends on whether I think they've intentionally tried to become mainstream. If they've earnt their "place" through hard work and determination and are getting recognition from their peers then no I don't lose connection. But when it comes across that they've gone in a different direction just to get more of a mainstream fan base then I do feel like I've lost that connection with the band. Because I personally would make music for the sake of making music, not to become a celebrity or have a massive house with 50 rooms, 12 cars, etc.

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Do you feel a band's quality of their music/musical talent declines as they become more popular?

The answers to both of these questions vary from band to band. In some cases, as a band becomes more popular, they start catering to their popularity and just manufacturing what they think will make it big on sales charts. (The previous view only deals with the quality of music, not talent.) In these cases, I don't believe musical talent declines, but I do think it may be squandered. But still, other bands don't let fame phase them and continue to put out what they believe in and what they're good at.


Do you feel you lose connection with a band when they become mainstream?

Again, it depends on the band. Certain bands going mainstream are inevitable. You can't expect these people to stay underground for their whole careers; they want to play music to people who like it, and the more people who like it, the better they feel. This aspect depends partly on the person listening to the music. Some people think that more people liking the band they like makes it less special, but liking something is not based on exclusivity. And you don't have to like something just to be "unique." If you've once had a connection with this band that you like, you should still have it if you remain a fan when and if the band goes mainstream. If not, the connection was probably never actually there.

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Do you feel a band's quality of their music/musical talent declines as they become more popular?


I don't see a direct correlation between the 2.

Some bands, like Between the Buried and Me, Opeth, Protest The Hero and Katatonia, and as well Paramore IMO have been putting out records that are increasingly more difficult to play, more detailed compositions and have shown the bands to develop musicians.

Some bands however, feel driven to make their music more accessible as they become more successful for financial reasons. That's quite common in the heavy metal world, since it's not such a popular genre of music in the first place


Do you feel you lose connection with a band when they become mainstream?

I never really felt connected as such to bands in the first place anyway.

I become attached to albums if I feel they are of a good musical quality and connect with me emotionally.

As such I don't become a fanboy of bands and as long as I get to keep hearing quality albums, I honestly don't really care how popular a band becomes.

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1. No, but a band may change their sound (consciously or subconsciously) in order to produce something that will appeal to a wider audience. There is nothing wrong with that, you can't blame someone for wanting to make a decent living, and as long as they're passionate about the music they're making, I say go for it. That being said it doesn't mean I am going to love it, and it doesn't mean I am going to hate it, there is not a standard.


2. If it's a band I've been with since the very beginning then I certainly do feel a loss of connection. I definitely don't feel the same way I did about Paramore today as I did 5 years ago (and it's kind of crazy that I can say that haha) but it would be dumb (for lack of a better term) to blame them for it. I felt a greater connection in the beginning because there was such a small fan community, it was easier for them to devote more time to fewer people, but as their popularity has risen they have a lot less time to devote to a lot more people, and there is nothing wrong with that. To continue with the Paramore example, they try to keep a connection with fans and that's awesome, but again, and I guess in general a connection with their fans isn't going to make their music any better or any worse, as long as they know who their audience is, they're writing stuff they're passionate about and it's something I like (love) then I don't care about that personal connection as I do the musical connection.

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Do you feel a band's quality of their music/musical talent declines as they become more popular?

Basically,this has nothing to do with their talent. It's more with the quality of their music,mostly because when a band becomes popular,they somehow start writing some songs that don't bring anything new or they insist on the same subject over and over again. It's more like a money issue,if you ask me. Some bands totally change their style and we're talking about something commercial in this case,something accessible to everybody. Of course this is not available for all the bands,but you know,you kinda lose your head when you become popular.

Do you feel you lose connection with a band when they become mainstream?

And this is going to be quite hard for me. It's not like I totally lose a connection with a band when they become mainstream. It's just that I stop listening to the band that much as I used to in the past... It's just that sometimes,bands go in the wrong direction and they totally forget that they got involved in the music business because they're passionate about it and stuff and they didn't do it (only) for money. This includes the whole "bragging" thingy,about I don't know how many cars and stuff,you know. I personally prefer "smaller" bands,that are quite known,but not mainstream. Mostly because when you're in a smaller band,you can have time for your life too and nobody is there to follow your every step. And I know you'll say that mainstream bands communicate with their fans too,but... when you're in a smaller band,you can take time to answer some (more) questions and stuff. And yes,I'll admit it,I hate it when everybody talks about the same band. It's pretty annoying to hear everybody talking about the same band,at the same time.


Sorry if this was confusing,I just couldn't find the right words to express my idea. Hope this helps.

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Do you feel a band's quality of their music/musical talent declines as they become more popular?


I don't see a direct correlation between the 2.

Some bands, like Between the Buried and Me, Opeth, Protest The Hero and Katatonia, and as well Paramore IMO have been putting out records that are increasingly more difficult to play, more detailed compositions and have shown the bands to develop musicians.

Some bands however, feel driven to make their music more accessible as they become more successful for financial reasons. That's quite common in the heavy metal world, since it's not such a popular genre of music in the first place


Do you feel you lose connection with a band when they become mainstream?

I never really felt connected as such to bands in the first place anyway.

I become attached to albums if I feel they are of a good musical quality and connect with me emotionally.

As such I don't become a fanboy of bands and as long as I get to keep hearing quality albums, I honestly don't really care how popular a band becomes.


Well said

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