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Is anything wrong with african americans likeing something other than rap?


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Im just really curious.....


Im am an African American(black) and i have some French,Native american and Caucasian(white) in me too,so most people think im mixed. I never realized this until my mom brought this up to me today but She asked me if i liked music that included black people. I told her yea(because it is true). I asked her why and she said that she just wanted to know because it seems like i like rock or as some african american people at my school say "white people music" more than i like rap and she just want to know if i liked anything other than rock. It kind of upset me. I like all kinds of music and yes i do listen to rock or pop-punk more than anything else but that doesnt mean that i dont like rap or what some say "black people music."


I know my mom didnt mean anything by it because she is not racist and she too likes band such as the fray(im trying to get her into paramore). but it just made me upset and i had to let it out.I think that anyone can listen to whatever they want. Its a free country.And my mom agrees. Im not trying to start anything but i just wanted your opinions on the matter.

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I conur, I concur. But you should not let things like this bother you. It really is not worth it. People are always going to do that stereotyping thing no matter how annoying it is. It is all stupid so just let it go and be proud that you are not a part of all that :D Everyone is a victim of stereotyping at least once. It is just part of life, you know?


You like what music you like whether it is considered "black people music" or "white people music". It is cool. You are correct-It IS a free country and people can listen to whatever they want. People should not even care about skin color. That should not have any place in music because it does not matter. Music is music and anyone can like it. Anyone can like rock music, rap music, pop music, it does not matter. You do not have to look a certain way or believe a certain belief to listen to different types of music.


Good topic, by the way :D There will be lots of interesting opinions.

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aw yeah i understand what you mean. theres nothing wrong with listening to the music that you like to listen to. you can listen to what you want its your choice.. its stupid how everything has to be like "white people music" or "black people music" ya know.. i mean i understand why its described as that but its stupid it shouldnt be lol in my opinion at least because plenty of people listen to them regardless of what music background they are stereotyped too or w.e. so yeah listen to what you like lol

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I think it's so lame that music gets labeled like that, but it happens. I was watching this show and I think it was called stepping, like dancing kind of and it's an African tribal thing and when Lations or white people try and do it they get looked down upon, I guess being looked down on because you listen to a "different races" music is similar. Don't think just because you're a certain race you have to listen to a certain music. Personally, I think rock and pop-punk are AWESOME and you don't have to be black or white or hispanic or anything to listen to it. Just go for it. :]

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I have a friend who has this problem, but her mom is pretty hard on her. She has some tattoos and her mom tells her that nobody is ever going to marry her if she doesn't accept that she's black.

It's rough because there's so many race stereotypes out there, and people expect you to listen to "black" music, which is just silly.

I think it's great that you've been able to expand your mind and find new music rather than being brainwashed by MTV into listening to what you "should" listen to. So in short, no there's nothing wrong with you. Every person on this earth is unique and beautiful and interesting, so don't let anybody tell you what you should or shouldn't do.

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  • 1 month later...

I think it's a shame for ANYONE to portray themselves as rap artists do. Black OR white....


White poeple shouldn't "act black" and neither should black people. They should take offense to that. They all say that they want to be treated better, but when they act the way they do, it's easy to see where it's hard for them to gain respect.


So, really, I don't know... SOME rap is okay, I'll admit, but the majority that I hear is doragatory (sp?) to everyone, and I don't think that there's somethign wrong with BLACK people listening to it, but with ANYONE listening to it... Everyone knows good music from bad, and most of the rap I can think of is pretty bad--what I'm saying is that THAT is the kind that shouldn't be listened to...


If that makes sense to anyone???.....

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I think it's a shame for ANYONE to portray themselves as rap artists do. Black OR white....


White poeple shouldn't "act black" and neither should black people. They should take offense to that. They all say that they want to be treated better, but when they act the way they do, it's easy to see where it's hard for them to gain respect.


So, really, I don't know... SOME rap is okay, I'll admit, but the majority that I hear is doragatory (sp?) to everyone, and I don't think that there's somethign wrong with BLACK people listening to it, but with ANYONE listening to it... Everyone knows good music from bad, and most of the rap I can think of is pretty bad--what I'm saying is that THAT is the kind that shouldn't be listened to...


If that makes sense to anyone???.....

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I totally agree with you. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions whether it's about politics or the type of music they like.

The closest way I can relate is that people make fun of me cause I'm a tall asian. >.>

But anyways, it's a load of shit. And even if people critisize you about it, just remember you'll stand out amongst the crowd. Honestly, [i'm not being racist here, just stating a fact] I haven't met many African Americans that are really into Rock. That makes you special. :mrgreen:

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I totally agree with you. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions whether it's about politics or the type of music they like.

The closest way I can relate is that people make fun of me cause I'm a tall asian. >.>

But anyways, it's a load of shit. And even if people critisize you about it, just remember you'll stand out amongst the crowd. Honestly, [i'm not being racist here, just stating a fact] I haven't met many African Americans that are really into Rock. That makes you special. :mrgreen:

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I totally agree with you. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions whether it's about politics or the type of music they like.

The closest way I can relate is that people make fun of me cause I'm a tall asian. >.>

But anyways, it's a load of shit. And even if people critisize you about it, just remember you'll stand out amongst the crowd. Honestly, [i'm not being racist here, just stating a fact] I haven't met many African Americans that are really into Rock. That makes you special. :mrgreen:


There are usually one or two at the shows I go to... Which is really odd, but I love it, because they're all "STRAIGHT EDGE!" but they still have that ghetto thing about them... It's hilarious..

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I totally agree with you. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions whether it's about politics or the type of music they like.

The closest way I can relate is that people make fun of me cause I'm a tall asian. >.>

But anyways, it's a load of shit. And even if people critisize you about it, just remember you'll stand out amongst the crowd. Honestly, [i'm not being racist here, just stating a fact] I haven't met many African Americans that are really into Rock. That makes you special. :mrgreen:


There are usually one or two at the shows I go to... Which is really odd, but I love it, because they're all "STRAIGHT EDGE!" but they still have that ghetto thing about them... It's hilarious..

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heyy i don't think it's wrong about African Americans likeing other music. heyy i saw Flava Flav in the Taking Back Sunday video for so last summer and i thought that was so cool! hehe, plus... Jay-z produced Fall Out Boy's album Infinity on High and he appeared in their song Thriller and he did a MTV Mash-Up with Linkin Park.Timbaland did a song collaboration with FOB too on his new album the song One and Only is one of my favorites. see, nothing wrong!!! plus, i have some African American friends that like Fall Out Boy and The All American Rejects and Paramore too!!! so yeahh...

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heyy i don't think it's wrong about African Americans likeing other music. heyy i saw Flava Flav in the Taking Back Sunday video for so last summer and i thought that was so cool! hehe, plus... Jay-z produced Fall Out Boy's album Infinity on High and he appeared in their song Thriller and he did a MTV Mash-Up with Linkin Park.Timbaland did a song collaboration with FOB too on his new album the song One and Only is one of my favorites. see, nothing wrong!!! plus, i have some African American friends that like Fall Out Boy and The All American Rejects and Paramore too!!! so yeahh...

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  • 2 years later...

The last post this got was a long long time ago but I find it really funny because it is so true. I told my mum about the PF and I got shouted at for "trying to be white" lool I am so not ... I know who I am and I just enjoy the music. I still get down lol (cheesy black line). If you know who you are then you can listen to wotever you want to but if ur trying to hide something then re think your motives.


In any case I still lurve paramore!!

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