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A 13-year-old boy in India produced winged beetles in his urine after hatching the eggs in his body.

^uhm, ew.


The most commonly used password on computer systems is "password."


Coca-Cola was originally green.


People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, you're heart stops for a mili-second.


Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.


23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their buttocks.


Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.


If you keep your eyes open by force, they will pop out.

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If you keep your eyes open by force, they will pop out.


If you're talking about sneezing, it doesn't matter. You eyes don't pop out.


For one, there are muscles holding them in place...


Two, your actual eyeballs are bigger than the orbits (your eye sockets) that they lie in....


Three.... Where's the pressure coming from? There are no sinus cavities IN your eye socket, and there's no air passage, either, unless you count tear ducts/drianage ducts.. But even then, those aren't in the right place--they'd have to be behind your eyes...


Soooo, sorry to be a fun-sucker yet again...


A 13-year-old boy in India produced winged beetles in his urine after hatching the eggs in his body.




First off, your urine is sterile, so there's no way anything of THAT SIZE could get in there and survive... Bacteria, maybe, hence a UTI, butttt other than that...


Second, uric acid in urine is, well, acidic. Again, things would die.


Thirdly, there's no possible way that it could get into your bladder anyway--the nephrons (part of your kidneys that filter blood) don't even let red blood cells through--only water and minerals..


Fourthly, if they were swallowed anyway, the stomach acid would have killed them right away.


Fifthly, it's in a bladder. If they hatched, there's nothing for them to survive on.. Soooo uh. Yeah.


Sixthlyyyyyyy... Gross as it is... They'd drown. Bugs need air, too.


I could go on, but I think you get the point.


So yeah... Really really not possible... Ever. lol...

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haha me too. we're all like "wow that's weird/cool/gross/etc." then she comes && says it's not even possible. i love it.


Honestly, I feel like I'm killing it for everyone, but I guess I'd rather kill the fun than have people running around spouting out these random false "facts" hahaha...


And you're from Iowa, you should know better ;)


We're the smart kids--look at our quarter ;)



right handed ppl live on average nine years longer than left handed ppl do


Lol, we learned that in psych, I don't know the exact amount, but I know it's longer.. And my teacher and I are both lefties so we were like "noooooo" hahaha....

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(to likedays)haha, i just read it in this book i have its called zobmondo and its a book of would you rathers.. and at the bottom of each page it had facts. their was one interersting one but i dont think it is acceptable for the boards..


Hahhaa, you should cleverly word it so it IS appropriate ;)


Anndddd I'm glad I can be everyone's dictionary now, too?...


((Is it just me, (and not to be cocky/arrogant) or am I somehow being established as the smart one one these boards?....))

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^ haaha i believe if you have the smartness show it. its better than lookin stupid and i dont think i can...reword it. i mean idk its not like bad..but idk


No, I think I know what you mean... If you have the ability show it, but don't be an asshole about it... Don't dumb yourself down just so you don't feel stupid...


Something like that??? hahah


I love this thread.

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Hahhaa, you should cleverly word it so it IS appropriate ;)


Anndddd I'm glad I can be everyone's dictionary now, too?...


((Is it just me, (and not to be cocky/arrogant) or am I somehow being established as the smart one one these boards?....))


*snort* Yes. hahahaha. Pull up dem suspenders.


I'm joking.

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