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Paramore Vs. Chris Brown


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My cousin and I were having a discussion through myspace comments and it somehow turned into a (friendly) argument. Since I don't know any Paramore fans personally I thought I'd post it her cos i found it quite funny. Fadz is my cousin and I'm Horiyo.



Hey check out my profile song I think you'll be proud!!!

Im like in love wit the song and he's sooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!




(her profile song was HelloGoodbye - Here [in Your Arms])




I am proud. They played it twice in a row on fizz again, thats officially my favourite music channel.



Lol thnx im proud 2!!! I called you 2day to let u know dat ur silly fav band Paramore were on Chart Hits... but u neva piked up ur fone :( lol Oh well I'll try nxt time lol




HAHA my phone was in the kitchen... but i was watching it anyway.



oi i just realised that u said paramore were silly. they're not silly, they're better chris brown!


(Chris Brown is her absolute favourite artist)



OMG Take that back immediately NOW!!!

NOW Horiyo or else :(

Be very aware watch your back im comming 4 u muhahahahahahahaaaaa!!!




LOL i cant take that back because if i did i would be saying that chris brown is better than paramore, which isn't true and you know it.



OK then fine just you watch your back then Im coming 4 you!!!..............WATCH YOUR BACK!!!





But you know Paramore write their lyrics and music. Does Chris Brown write his own lyrics? Does he write the music? Does he play the instruments?



What is your point???...HUH?

You actually think that Paramore are better then CHRIS BROWN??? If so you are truly deluded my dear cousin and im sincerly sorry that you are suffering some sort of illness that has made you so blind to Chris Brown's music. But dont you worry, when I become a successful Psychiatrist I shall look into your condition and help you overcome this illness that seems to be called 'The Psychotic opposition to Chris Brown disorder' (if you havent overcome your condition by the time im a psychistrist). You need help my dear and that girl from Paramore needs help and a new hairstylist and a new wardrobe IMMEDIATELY!!! Before the fashion police come. If you have a come-back then plz do not hesitate to do so, I look 4ward to it...lol




HAHAHAHAHA! That comment made me laugh, like actually out loud!


'The Psychotic opposition to Chris Brown disorder' huh? Lol I have nothing against the guy, I'm just saying that Paramore (and that's every member) is more talented and you can't deny that. I am not blind to Chris Brown's music, in fact I'm much more aware of it then you are. You seem to be oblivious to the fact that all he does is sing. He sings the words someone else has written over the music someone else has written and someone else is playing.


That girl from Paramore would be Hayley Williams and not only can she sing, but she writes her lyrics too. Her hair and clothes are unique and she's one of few people who don't follow the crowd. You're just jealous that you're not brave enough to do your own thing. Besides, I like her hair.


Wow this is the longest comment I've ever written, you should feel privileged. You should also start listening to some good music, as in Paramore. You know i love you really.


She's yet to reply.

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Yes i know you love me thats so obvious!!! lol

What ever like ur actually more aware 2 Chris Brown's music more then me..hahaha thats soooooo funi! I happen to know that Chris Brown does contriute to the writing and the making of his music...OK! He is VERY talented and is way beta then stinking Paramore,all they do is wail, you have turned me against them so if any1 is gna be blamed for me not contributing to making them rich by buying 1 of their CD's then its you! You have made me hate them. ALWAYS coming on channel FIZZ I infact HATE them now thnx to you!

Plus Chris Brown is wayyyyyy HOOTER then any1 of the Paramore boys and you know it so plz dont try and deny it...ok

***To any 1 reading this comment if you agree that Chris Brwon is hotta then the Paramore boys then plz dont hesitate to comment my dear deluded cousin and tell her so, thnx***

And no im not privilged that you sent me a long message thats nothing to be proud of you were only saying that Chris Brown is less talented then Paramore so NO!

I look 4ward to a FULL apology to you insulting Chris Brown, then i may think bout 4giving you.

Chat soon tata




I haven't once requested misery business on any music channel or radio station, but it's come on plenty of times anyway. So clearly they don't need you to contribute. Don't blame me that it's on so much and don't blame me that Chris Brown is less talented.


I'll admit, I don't think any of the guys in Paramore are that hot, but i don't think Chris Brown is either. I know there's loads of people out there who would say that Chris Brown is hotter, but that's got absolutely nothing with how good his or Paramore's music is. Unless you're trying to say you buy Chris Brown records because you think he's hot. In that case, Paramore must be way more talented because they get sales without any good looking guys. Obviously, you'd like any Chris Brown song no matter how bad simply because he's "hot" so don't pretend that he's better then Paramore.


I find it hard to believe Chris Brown contributes anything significant to his music. I haven't insulted him and I won't apologize. Paramore are more talented, that's a fact not an insult. But yes the guy is talented, he can sing and mime his words, i mean dance.


Paramore do not wail. What have you been listening to? There's only one Paramore song with screaming and that happens to be one of the best Paramore songs, despite the screaming. You like pressure (or "the water song") why are you lying? Remember when you hated Here (In Your Arms), whats your profile song?


Josh is kinda cute I guess, but not amazingly.

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lol omg! that conversation is something i'd have with three of my good friends! all THREE of them are in LOVE with chris brown. (no...like seriously, im pretty sure they'd kill to just get a glimpse of him in person) and they're always talking about how hott he is and all that stuff..while on the other hand they always hear me talking 24-7 about paramore. lol. that conversation made me laugh cuz i can so picture all four of us saying those type of things.lol =P

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