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James' Rant of Death #1


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Yes, I'm aware there's a seperate rant thread, but I figured that this rant deserved it's own thread, and besides, I think it'd be good grounds for a discussion as well. :P


So without further ado:




You've probably experienced this first hand: You like a band that you could consider 'underground' in that they're not that well known outside of an initially small group of fans, and you're happy with that.


Then that band starts appearing on MTV or one of the other 'mainstream' music channels, and you get people crying 'sell out' and refusing to listen to afformentioned band anymore.


This is one of the many things in the music industry that irks me.


What, so you're saying that bands aren't allowed to appear on MTV anymore? I'm aware that MTV isn't quite what it was years ago (going from, well, a music channel, to being filled with all these reality shows and those damned 'Cribs' show), but you can't deny that it isn't one of the biggest forces in the music industry, and if your band's getting played on it then millions will probably see it. Hence, more people finding out about you, and hence more fans.


Now I know some people want to keep bands their own little secret, but if said band wants to evolve and go further, then they have to start getting themselves noticed to bigger communities. And MTV happens to have a big community behind it.


It happened with Paramore: one of the pics on their Myspace is of a sign announcing that tickets for a show are sold out, and the caption reads (jokingly) 'It's true, we are such sell outs.' Unfortunatly, quite a few comments for this pic consisted of soemthing along the line of 'Yeah, you guys are sell outs, soon as you started getting playtime on MTV.' I also saw another comment elsewhere, somewhere along the line that 'You should stop catering to the damned MTV crowds. Oh wait, you get money for doing so!'


Personally, I don't believe in the whole sell out notion. I love my music, and if a band I liked started to make it huge, I'd still love the music and not get hooked up on whether or not they sold out. And fans of bands who appear on MTV or the other mainstream stations, should just support the band for the best: after all, that's what a good fan would do isn't it?


And as for the money thing: the music industry is a business, and therefore the aim of the record label is to get their worth out of the bands they've signed and sent into the world. Of course they'll be making suggestions to their bands in order to rake in the money, but the way I see it, as long as they still make good music, it doesn't bother me too much. Just don't expect to see me buy all 5 different versions of the same album, unless I was a super fan. :P


Well, I can't think of anything else to rant about, so I'm done for now. Expect another rant of death sooner or later in the future. :P

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i agree with that 50%


fuse is a big community too..just mtv brings on a whole new group of ppl that are annoying.. usually.

but i still luv. paramore. it was a matter of time b4 they got big. there never sell outs.. ppl who "sell out" are ppl who get veryy big egos. but paramore is too down to earth

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