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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear Dad,

You've been in bed all day and I understand you're hungover, but please wake up soon. I don't much fancy walking all the way to nana's house in the snow, ice and wind. Especially not with mam and nana, it'll take them a year to get there. Pretty please with a cherry on top?




P.S: We have a lot of tv to catch up on, so you also need to be awake for that.

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Dear Fran,

I'm not going to actually say this to you, as you have a habit of going off on random ramblings that frighten me... but please order the Flyleaf tickets soon. I seriously want to go to that concert, it's pretty important to me. Oh and actually go to this concert. You really let Alice and I down with Kill Hannah.



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Dear Betty,


No problem of course. Good to hear you're doing well, and blegh about school.

I wish they'd actually let you have 2 weeks off, but instead of that they just give you alot of homework and test after the holiday :roll:

I'm fine thanks :)



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Dear Demi,


Yeah exactly. My English teacher has given me a lot of work to do because I'm preparing for the langauge exam. Though they are all speaking themes but she wants me to write my thoughts about it, you know so we can practice it. I'm kinda happy with it because I'm keen on English but it's Christmas time and break....



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Dear Betty,

Ah yes I understand. Good luck with your English exam, I'm sure you'll do fine since your English rocks :D.

My English teacher often gets mad at me for not making my homework, but I refuse to spend my time on making her way too easy shit, hahaha.



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Dear Demi,


Hehe thank you so much. I'll let you know if I pass it. ;-)

Since I've been studying English on higher level, I don't really do my other English homework. Cuz you know I have to go to the normal and advanced English lessons too. How weird, I know. :P



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Dear Betty,


I think they don't do that kind of stuff, plus I'd never go and ask for it because I don't want to look like a know-it-all.

Tough titties, haha. I'll just stay in this class and do nothing. Good thing is, there's a map of Canada next to where I sit and I've found some pretty intresting names so far :rotfl:

There was one I thought was hilarious but I ofcourse can't recall :nono:

OH I REMEMBER. Tuk toya tuk :rotfl: Or something like that..



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Dear Demi,


Haha lols, that's a pretty good city. I've been there. I suggest you to go there. :D lols.:D

Well I think you should go and ask about it. If you really want to learn more English. It's all up to you, you know. I don't wanna look smart but if I were you, I'd definately tell those teachers to give me extra English lessons. Lol. :P



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dear Petra,


you and i both know we didn't give a shit about each other for like 5 months. how is it that suddenly it seems like i'm so important? i'm so not important to you, just like you're not important to me.

i don't like you, in fact, i don't like any of my old friends anymore.



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Dear Nana,

If it isn't one thing with this stupid family, it's another. Something massive has kicked off right before my eyes and I don't even understand one word of it. I'm used to not being told anything though. I'm at that awkward age where I'm old enough to know when something is up, but too young to be trusted with the details. Please though, for all our sakes- especially your own- don't get too stressed out with this. We all love and appreciate you so much and I would hate to think of you ending back up in hospital. It isn't even your problem. You're like me, you care too much about keeping everybody happy. Alright, so your sons have had a big fight, I get that it's stressful and you hate to take sides, please, just don't get ill again. You're too frail to be taking on all this unnecessary stress. Just look after yourself.



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