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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear Taylor,

I was at the mall today with my friend and sister and we saw this Ginger with beautiful hair and he was a straight up Ginger. Every time he walked by we turned around and stared at him hahahaha. His hair was so glorious!




PS those pictures from your sig are deffffff from phila phila-delphiaaaaaaa

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Dear Katie,

So much. I'd be here all day.

~When you are asking her a simple question like "how are you today" she completely blanks you.

~She starrrrrrres.

~She once stood outside my house for 40 minutes, I was to frightened to ask why. xD

~She walks out on roads without looking.

~She bitches about everyone but won't say things to their face.

~She walks, talks and acts 10 years younger than she is.

~She ignores teachers too.

~In a food lesson, everyone was making the same thing and finished at the latest by 3:15 (the bell goes at 3:20), she didn't leave the classroom til 4pm.



She just has issues all of a sudden, she never used to be this way and we're just so sick of her weird behaviour.

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Dear Katie,

Sucks don't it? We're trying the same method, so far so good, but every now and then she does something else creepy. Just the other day, in a food lesson, she asked the teacher was Spag Bol was. I mean COME ON!



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