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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear you,

I don't even know what to say to that. Is it a good or bad thing? I'm sorry things are so complicated, but it was never going to be easy for us. I won't give up though, I'm notorious for giving up, but not this time. You're really important to me. More so than anything else, really. I just hope you're worth the effort! I'm pretty sure you are.



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Dear _____,

Things are finally looking up and I would like to keep it this way. I can breathe easily, I can sleep easily knowing that everything is smoothly at sail. Let's keep it this way, yes? =] I would do anything for you because you've helped me out so much in life and I owe you so much.


Dear _______,

I'm finally letting go of you after two years of playing your game only to come out as a fool every time. You've played a very important role in my life and taught me so much about what I want, what I don't want, what to search for, and what to stay the hell away from. I thank you for that. I forgive you for everything and I'm thankful for the pain because this experience helped mold me into who I am.

I hope you find happiness in your life. Goodbye.

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Dear Tina,

I just want to write this and forget about you after this, and I know I can.

I'mma keep it small, even though there's plenty to say.


I'm so done with you, and I'm not only one.

Thing is, I used to call you my best friend.

Looking back at that, it's a thing I regret.

You weren't even somebody I'd call a friend nowadays.

Keep your rude comments to yourself, 'cause nobody thinks they're either funny or true ;-).

Atleast I learned how to stand up for myself, so thanks I guess.



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Dear Mr. Van der Water,

I am so, so sad to hear about your daughter.

I can't believe she died at the age of 25, because her blood couldn't handle a pregnancy?

I am so sorry to hear.

My thoughts are with you and your family.


Demi, a student from last year.

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dear cement parking lot,


you hurt when my head is banged against you.

I frown upon you.




dear mrs.defeyo,


I have to admit, i really really really really really hate you sometimes...

but i realized today that you like me and that i should just give you a chance



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Dear Chris,

You're an okay guy. I don't have a problem with you, honestly, you just make me feel uncomfortable. Maybe because I know how you used to have a major crush on me, or maybe it's something else. Either way, I don't mean to be ignorant with you, it's just difficult to talk to you for some reason. Try not to take it to heart. I'm no one special.



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Dear mum,

You know I become too tired on Friday nights because of school and that maths thingy.So I fall asleep easily.I prepare my tea,put it on my table and wait for it's to get warmer.while I waiting , you always on the computer so I lie on the bed and wait for you to give your turn to me.I say please momma leave me alone here times and times but you don't so I keep waiting.then I fall asleep.and I HATE it!!!It's my computer not yours.You're home all day long so why don't you use it til I come home from school?I make plans for the night.especially tonigt is really important for me cuz I have to finish reading New Moon and watch Twilight again before seeing New Moon tomorrow so how can I do these things while I'm sleeping tell me.

Thank God I realized the power cut and wake up but I had to wait a little bit.I cried again..I hope you heard me.I hope you think about it.

because this is one of the things that I hate this much.





P.S this tea doesn't taste good while it's cold.

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Dear friend,

please let me go there alone.I don't want you to come with me.please please pleaseeeeeee.I know I'm so mean but I feel special when I go to movies by myself.all alone.That feels special you know.You think that was me who invited you to come with me but that wasn't me.I never wanted you to come with me cuz this movie is very important for me so I prefer going by myself.

but I can't say that I don't want you to come.I can't be that bad friend but I want you to understand what I want by yourself.


the girl who wants to be alone.

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Dear french test,


on monday we'll have a 'nice' meeting. but i haven't learned for it at all. i know you will be 5 pages long again and we only have 80 minutes time to finish. well, try to be not that hard at least. maybe i'll be prepared when I come home from my friend tonight, she's hella good in french.


A random student

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Dear nana,

Please have made chicken curry. You apparently have, but knowing my sister she's just teasing me. I've missed out on breakfast and dinner, so to have my favourite meal for tea, by my favourite cook, would make my week. Hehe. I love your chicken curries and you, obviously!



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