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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear parents,

You were highly unfair and out of order. I hate when we have to argue like that. In future, to avoid this shit... GIVE ME CHANCE TO WAKE UP ON A MORNING. I'm a teenager, I'm not going to be full of beans all of the time. I know I'm a stresshead, but do you really wonder why? Cut me some slack, please. Stop bringing my internet use and musical tastes into everything aswell. It is what I love and enjoy, I will not change that to avoid arguements. We argue because you don't understand me, not because I use the net and listen to "shitty bands". Ugh.

I love you guys but you drive me insane.



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Dear _______,

I don't know what's gotten into you lately but it's really upsetting to see. I'd always expected so much better from you than what you've been displaying for the past while now. Part of me longs to go back to two years ago when we first met and when things were right. I remember the rainy days and how we'd stand outside together; we'd talk, laugh, and just have such a lovely time. You made being at that school bearable and fun. I actually looked forward to going each day because I knew you were going to be there, always with a smile and such.

Now, you've changed. You're so different towards me now. When my friends say good things about you, I can't help but feel so disheartened because they're speaking of the kid that I once knew as opposed to the kid that I know now. I know people grow older and things change, but you've really managed to change almost more than anyone I know. We all went through some changes since two years ago, but your change is the hardest for me to accept because you were once so familiar. You gave me a reason to wake up and now I'm finding new reasons to wake up--none of them being you.

I wish we could go back. I wish I could fix whatever made you this way. I know that I can't and that I must accept what's happened, but it's not going to be easy. I just hope that next year, or even this year, we can find again that same sense of familiarity.



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