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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear bastards,


Stop being so childish. You all are just taking up my time and your friendships're really not worth anything.

I did trust y'all but now you've gone too far. If you don't stop, I'll kick your asses. I'm serious!


Your so-called friend



Dear self,


1: Stop going on this site. It gives you nothing; it's just a waste of time. Although it's really great.

2: Noone cares about you from your class. You're just wasting your time, believe me. Nothing will change if they ever make it up. You've always been a loser and always will. There are things that don't change. Accept it.






To whom it may concern,


I would have never thought that I could be that close to you. I know I don't do the right thing but it's because when I'm around you I just don't know what to say. You are amazing. You have a great personality. I feel sorry for you if you want something from me because I'm not that great person. When we talk, I always say stupid things though I really wanna tell you how I feel about you. But I fear if I tell you that, you'd go away. I just don't want that. You are a great friend of mine. I don't wanna lose you.


Your B.

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Dear mom,

I am SO fed up with you.

This has been going on for.. 12 years now? Get over it.

You don't do anything except complaining about me, and sleeping on the couch.

I hate people bugging me with 'Oh you're Mom bla bla bla, be nice to her because of this this and this'

They all think you're great, while in reality, all you EVER do is complain and be depressed.

Now that makes me depressed, and I obivously know what I'm talking about since I've been living with it for 12 years.

I can't wait for the whole moving thing to begin, it's gonna be so fabulous!


- Demi.

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Dear PF,


At a quick glance, you offer me about one hundred unread threads...I know the gems are in there somewhere but I can't bring myself to reading them all.


-Self-acknowledged ungrateful customer



Dear Pekka,


Trying to forget me, are you? Well, remember what I told you last time? Indeed...now pull yourself together. You're losing it.



Dear Shannon's grandpa,


You've been strong enough to live 90 years, which is a rare feat in itself. Hang in there, please. The world needs more grandpas.


-A bypasser without a grandpa

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