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Everything posted by Kalas

  1. When I'm Gone - Simple Plan I'm so ashamed haha... I mean they really aren't great, but the new song is so addictive
  2. It's just an opinion poll Paramore can't win everything If more people vote for MCR...then well they will win Theres no right or wrong *sigh*
  3. I don't think i would have if i had gotten round to getting more albums and listening to them this year, i didn't have much money to spend on CD's :/ I wouldn't say it was wierd though...maybe a little seeing as it's a Paramore site Just depends on what you like really :]
  4. Well that makes about as much sense as re-releasing the album so soon :/ I think it may just end up making some people get sick of them
  5. Mmm top 5... 1, Still Searching Deluxe Edition - Senses Fail (Even if it was a re-release it was an amazing one) 2, We're In Like Sin - Just Surrender 3, From Them, Through Us, To You - Madina Lake 4, Disguises - Cauterize 5, Riot! - Paramore (I thought it was really really dissapointing though)
  6. I'm to lazy to do all those chart imagey things haha So yeah...heres mine http://www.last.fm/user/Legend_Killer/ I always call it Audioscrobbler haha because thats what it used to be I really should get used to Last.fm
  7. Well i think it was Alyssa and Diego who ran it And we had a form with all the categories on and we would fill it out and PM it to them Then after so long they would tally up the results and post them It was quite funny how excited everyone was to see the results last year
  8. Nick Heidfeld :] Mmmm what a talented man
  9. ^ We had that last year and stuff It worked really well actually...i'm probably only saying that because i did well xP Buuut...yeah i guess they will do it again this year
  10. Yeah there's just something about it i really don't like It's one of the middle few songs on Riot! that i can't get into at all Then again i didn't really like Crushcrushcrush being a single haha
  11. Urgh i despise Let The Flames Begin i hope it's not that I thought That's What You Get is the most logical one
  12. Mmm tasty...you know what i think haha Well actually i can't even remember what i said about them... Probably that i liked them haha
  13. Boys... I don't get on with girls at all, bar my girlfriend Then again that being said quite a lot of boys are complete idiots I don't like people to be honest haha
  14. Haha you're not alone me neither I only see 'older' people around now and again Seems everyone kinda faded out when Riot! went big I don't post because i guess i'm not quite as much into Paramore anymore Aand i have a job so i don't have much free time...yes i finally have a life :] I mean i still love them...just not Riot!
  15. Me toooo I used to love talking to people on here...now ir's kinda i dunno...dull I just can't be bothered to post Obviously September last year was a good time to join haha
  16. Like mine :] But yeah when you have ots of posts the mods will do it for you if you PM them You had to have 5 carnations or something...not that i have that anymore haha But yeah because if everyone wanted it personalised the mod's would get quite bored of doing it all the time, even if it does take just a minute
  17. True but i've seen it happen before in other threads Riot! has had a bit of a split on some people it seems anyway Everyone has their reasons though i guess I mean if i thought that i would just post it but it's different for different people
  18. You're a spanner People are allowed to post what they want It's not up to you if it's done anonymously or not Just because it's not under their names doesn''t mean they should 'shut up' They are allowed to voice what they believe
  19. They probably don't want to post it normally because everyone on here will jump on them because they said it, i don't blame them, it seems like nobody is allowed to have their own opinion on Paramore on here, because they must always be talked about in a good light...so if someone has that view let them have it...jeez In all honesty i just don't really like Riot! the album, i don't really look at their style haha
  20. Hahaha i love that you said that about the mouth one...and this won't make sense to anyone I quite like the mouth actually xP And i am not a wolly... :]
  21. Why can't they do Brighton :/ I can't be screwed to go to London again It's not worth it really, ah well
  22. The clocky thingy one haha I like the first one tooo though Very nice miss talented, is there any chance i could buy one? xP
  23. Eh i think they are releasing this to early in all honesty Why not release it summer next year, because they won 't make another album till 2009...if they do You may as well keep everyone intrested in the year inbetween two albums :S And i don't really think it's all that worth it...there should have at least been a new song They should have held them back from the original release and put them on this one It just really makes no sense to me ah well, i dunno if i will buy it
  24. I just bought their EP... It's not to much money, so yeah i look forward to it :]
  25. 18 years young :] I am pretty content with my age haha
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