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Everything posted by Monika

  1. Ummm i think its the picture where they're all in a huddle before a warped show?? maybe. I never even had that thought cross my mind about them kissing. That's stupid.
  2. Just in case people missed it in the other thread: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=22096900 There's a non HQ version of it
  3. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=22096900 Here's a watchable version of the show It's really really great.
  4. I called her on the phone and she toucchhedd herseellfff
  5. It's say anything right? As if keep this a big secret and dangle it in front of us Well, i guess i shouldn't care much. I live in Australia after all.
  6. hahhhaa i love how Josh looks so awkwardly embarrassed. So great.
  7. I understand where both sides are coming from. It would have sucked to have been waiting there for so long in the cold after the show. Sorry that happened to be at one of those shows where they don't come out The good news is they'll come around to your area again soon.
  8. hahahahha i was so interested and shocked. My friend does this all the time on the forums i help run and its a crack up. A lot of the times people don't catch on at all and keep replying in shock. Hilarious.
  9. Just saw the faces in disguise video. You lucky lucky people. You guys should feel really grateful to have these amazing bunch of people travel your country so often. I'm really jealous of you all.
  10. These set lists are pretty inconsistant. Another one was posted saying: 1. For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic 2. Born For This 3. Emergency 4. Let This Go 5. Fences (first time playing it live) 6. Let The Flames Begin 7. Faces In Disguise (Sunny Day Real Estate cover) 8. crushcrushcrush 9. Pressure 10. When It Rains 11. Here We Go Again 12. That's What You Get 13. My Heart (Shorten version, Hayley on Keyboards for the 1st verse, then bridge with the band) ---- 14. Decoy (first time live) 15. Misery Business
  11. We'll have it up on http://www.paramore.com.au soon.
  12. We're planning on extending the http://paramoreau.eamped.com site soon. We'll have tour news and stuff from the label as soon as they know.
  13. http://community.livejournal.com/paramoremusic/2455858.html Thanks to Colin and http://paramore.org
  14. Thanks for trying though. Colin rocks though p.org ftwwwwwwwww
  15. She can't exactly rest if she needs it. I mean, they're touring right through to December. Then they get a month off. Its crazy. They should be having at least a month off right now
  16. Was Hayley's voice okay? Or was she killing herself trying to give it her all?
  17. Whoever is capping it.... get it up asap pretty please. I'm dying to hear them play. I hope Hayley's voice is alright though I really don't want them to be disappointed.
  18. I really wish they would take time off. They all really need it I don't want Hayley to get sick and potentially not be able to sing AT ALL
  19. You can find all files (including the interview) for download over at http://paramore.com.au thanks to Trent. either in the Australian tour section or the media and pics one.
  20. Australian tour was incredible. In all honestly... Incredible.
  21. They didnt cancel because of that. They canceled it to finish RIOT!
  22. Thanks so much guys. We all need to keep voting though You can clear your bowser's cache and vote again!
  23. Currently, Misery Business is sitting between the 16th and 17th spot on this hot hits chart: http://www.thehothits.com/action/themusic All you have to do is click 'vote' to get them up higher. Lets all do it together. You dont need to sign up or anything - Just one click. Please help and show people what paramore fans are made of!
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwnhA7LWhCo She laughs at Zac.... Josh's face looking at her is priceless though, because he doesnt know whats going on.
  25. Thanks so much guys! I'm downloading the audio now.
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