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Everything posted by Harry

  1. Man, I have someone that is going to pay me once a complete a mix for them. I ALREADY AM in the music business muthafuckers And what, you guys don't think I'm gonna be a rock star? Obviously you guys have never seen my on stage antics from years gone by
  2. Crappy photo cos the camera was shit, hopefully I can get better pics down the track. I bought the amp head a few weeks ago and the cabinet a few weeks before that Presenting: Bugera 333XL 3 channel 120 watt Tube head. Power by 4 EL34 power amp tubes. Clean tone is amazing and the high gain tone totally slays. Underneath is a Harley Benton 2x12 loaded with 2 Celestion Vintage 30 speakers.
  3. Yeah, the intention was to get people that had decent equipment and knew how to use it.....sorry
  4. It's absolutely a lack of chops though. Hell, he couldn't even pull of the ending 16th note triplet run, which even a bedroom shredder could do (seeing as all they practice is playing as fast as possible anyway) The complete lack of vibrato in the solo shows a distinct lack of chops. I don't equate chops to speed techniques, to me vibrato counts as "chops" and if you can't do it, you're lacking in chops. Granted, I'm not exactly Yngwie Malmsteen when it comes to vibrato control, but I'm sure I could have played the Crazy Train solo better than the dude from Forever The Sickest Kids (including the 16th note triplet run too:p).
  5. I haven't forgot about this either, but I predicted ages ago that other people would forget or would just get lazy and I was right. I can contribute still, but as is evidenced by the fact I'm not online anywhere near as much as I used to be, I'm pretty busy these days so I'm finding less and less opportunity to slot in time to do something like this. Jordypord/Jordan seems to have lost a lot of interest for this forum and barely posts anymore so I guess he's out. Anyway, I can still contribute guitar parts, but I unfortunately don't have a bass guitar in my possession anymore. That being said, the guy that owns the bass I had to give back lives within about one kilometer of me, and can actually play Paramore on bass, so maybe I can ask him to do some stuff. I don't own anything like Superior Drummer 2.0 (and no, I'm not going to pirate it either, if you're about to ask), so I have no way of getting drum tracks from the MIDI files of Guitar Pro (in fact I don't even have Guitar Pro anymore either, and ever since I became all righteous I don't pirate music software stuff anymore). However I may be able to get raw drum tracks from a guy I know at another forum board. But yeah, if possible, someone get those MIDI files sorted and export some WAV files out of those (the only thing is a lot of the time a lot of Guitar Pro tabs are often wrong, so might end up with dodgy drum tracks). Definitely want multiple samples for snares and kicks to work with. If possible for cymbals and toms too, but that's less of a concern for me. Completely raw, no compression, no EQ-ing, nothing, I can do that later. Varying velocities is nice too, to reduce that programmed drum sound, so don't set everything to 127!
  6. WTF is wrong with hip hop? There's heaps of good hip hop out there
  7. Well I'm sure Slash is quite enjoying this quick money grab. Some fairly good guitar solos, but seeing as there are plenty of guitarist who write more interesting solos anyway it's hardly enough to save what is exactly as I predicted well before it came out : a fucking awful album. Someone close to him really needs to tap him on the shoulder and tell him to just sit down and think for a moment, cos fuck, I'm sure he really doesn't need this money and can actually write something decent and commit that to record
  8. Honestly I really hate that obvious auto tune effect unless it's done deliberately to be funny (like Autotune the News, that's fucking hilarious:D).
  9. More songs that use auto tune? Try basically most good productions you've ever heard in the last 10 years or so for a start:wink:
  10. Scott, I just found a good free pitch correction plug in on this site : http://www.gvst.co.uk/index.htm They also have a really fantastic clipper (GClip) and I use their GTune plug in a lot for tuning my guitar. They are VST though, as you might expect
  11. Ahh darn I don't even have an autotune plug in with my DAW software yet. I just found a free VST, I should fuck around with autotune now, you've inspired me Kailey hahaha
  12. I've never actually heard the original song or not, as the whole electro pop/dance pop thing Kesha does (well Wikipedia says that what the genre is anyway haha) I find to be disgustingly bad music in general, so I honestly didn't know if it was a joke or not haha. But hey sounds like you had fun making it Kailey hahaha
  13. Yeah the Crazy Train cover was pretty bad. The guitar solo was completely, utterly butchered too. Definitely one of those songs where if you don't have the guitar chops to pull it off, stay the fuck away from it
  14. I'm not sure why having someone say "fuck you" to me is so funny, but that was on the ball. FWIW the key sounds aren't too bad as it is anyway It's all about getting each phase right, from tracking (audio engineer speak for recording) all the through to mastering. Tracking is arguably the most important phase, as good tracking makes it MUCH easier on the mixing engineer because stuff will just fall into place better, so make sure you get a good tracking engineer. Tell your guitarist to learn about DI tracks (don't worry about what it means, let them do the research ), it could save your ass big time next time. As for mastering, like good tracking helps make for a good mix, once again, good mixing eases the load off a mastering engineers shoulders because they aren't fighting constantly to try to make the most out of a bad mix
  15. Honestly if an engineer said "here you go guys!" and came back to me with that mix, I'd be pretty pissed off. I hope you guys didn't pay money for that mix, because I know many guys in their bedrooms who could easily do a far better job than that. Hell I know I could have done a better job than that and I'm not that great Surely you guys could have let the engineer borrow a copy of Brand New Eyes and said "This is kinda in the ballpark of what we want production wise" so he could have used it as a production reference? I always constantly check my mixes against professional stuff like BNE, Riot, Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory and various other great sounding productions to make sure I'm on the right track with guitar sounds, bass sounds, drum sounds etc etc. It sounds like the person that mixed it went "blind" (that is, went solely based on their ears, which don't sound very developed to me) rather than bother to use reference guides. And surely when you guys got it back and compared it to pro sounding stuff like Riot and BNE you would have said "Ughhh, this production job is weak" and told the guy you want your money back? Dayummmmmmm kids. Well if anything, it's a learning experience and next time you guys hit the studio, you'll be more prepared and should hopefully have a better idea what to listen for. Unfortunately, a lot of elements of that mix can't really be saved with EQ, as much as Pekka might hope so:p:mrgreen:. The guitars were evidently just poorly recorded in the first place and same for the bass guitars. Guitars are muffled, have no body in the lower mids and core mids and have way too much upper mids. You can't magically EQ stuff like that to fix it up. The whole mix in general is quite muffled. As for the actual song, I dig it
  16. You somehow always manage to look good even in the least ideal photographic conditions. Huge +1. Fucking gorgeous hair I hate you. So much. For being able to completely destroy my ass at skateboarding.
  17. ^Harry approves of the Between the Buried and Me and Rage Against the Machine content. Also, cool interview posted above btw
  18. And maybe you do and that's fair enough, I take no issue with that. But you're bullshitting yourself if you don't think there are SOME people that do in fact just post pictures to fish for compliments to help their non existent self esteem.
  19. +1 There's a reason why I only comment on a select few girls here. If I don't think someone is attractive, I just don't comment. People kissing other people's asses (which is seemingly about 60-70 per cent of people that post in this thread), fuck off Or maybe if you posted pics, it wouldn't have the opposite effect anymore *Everyone knows Kayla is a total babe* To be fair to him, he came to that realization that it was pathetic to seek constant compliments here like some people here, which puts him head and shoulders above a lot of people here. A lot of people go through that stage of needing to constantly be assured they are apparently attractive/good at something etc. I did too sadly enough, but I got older and grew out of it and realized it was pathetic and so did he
  20. Host your music on Soundclick as well. It doesn't squash the life out of the music with Myspace's horrible 96Kbps Mp3 format
  21. Anyway, it's just a question of where does it leave me, as someone who almost never pays attention to lyrics in songs apart from a few bands. Surely I can still have music that is the "sountrack of my life" despite the fact I probably have no idea what the song is about lyrically? I guess I can relate with the last Paramore album, seeing as I'm basically at the age Hayley is and went through some of that same stuff, but I don't don't necessarily seeing as anymore of a soundtrack to my life than music that doesn't have lyrics that are relatable to my life/have any lyrics at all. Some music I put on not because "BAM that's my life!" but because it matches a certain way I'm feeling, which to me is music that represents the soundtrack of my life I have pop rock moods for when I feel kinda jumpy and energized. Sometimes when a bunch of girls come over (and they typically aren't into the extreme metal, classical music and avant garde I listen too) I guess I'll put on Paramore, You Me At Six or Evanescence (which I'm not a big fan of but girls I know bring their CDs and tell to me put it on) and we drink and have fun and stuff, that kinda music I guess is the soundtrack to that moment in time. And a moment in time is part of your life. If I'm sitting here alone at night, feel like kinda just zoning out, I'll probably put on some post rock or post metal. Of course I have certain songs which I'll more likely to gravitate towards if my zoning out mood is particularly extreme. Doubt anyone apart from Pekka would even listen to this, but here's an example of one of my favorite chilled out/zoning out songs If I'm feeling a bit more energized, I'll probably put on some death metal. If I'm out and about, I tend to just take in the sounds of the environment (I deliberately don't own a portable Mp3 player because I hate the idea of constantly listening to music when I'm away from the house or not at a concert/gig )
  22. I know he's not necessarily saying and I even said in my post that was the case (that him and it was implied perhaps others don't necessarily need relatable lyrics to enjoy music, but some people do and it doesn't make sense to me why they would have that need).
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