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Everything posted by Harry

  1. Friend drama SUUUUUUUCKS. A dude that had been one of my best friends for like 2 years suddenly just barely talked to me anymore, because he started working at KFC and then because in his head he was in the "cool" crowd now, going to parties with his work mates instead of hanging out with me. I had never broken a promise, had always done right by him, but nope, I wasn't "cool" enough for him. It's a real kick in the face when that happens. In 2008, I felt like I had no one cos I had anxiety disorder and a lot of people stopped talking to me (ironically, it was that guy I mentioned above that was one of the few people that still stuck by me). It's a horrible feeling to feel that you're alone and been abandoned, but luckily eventually you find awesome people that wanna be your friends no matter. I have friends that don't care how "cool" or "uncool" I may be, friends that don't care I'm a complete dork at times and friends that just let me be me. If you're nice enough and well, social enough, those kinda people will eventually come to you. I guess it might seem a daunting task to make new friends, but you get better at it the more you do it. I used to be super shy , but now I make new friends a lot easier than I used too
  2. I'm going to haunt a guess it's because he has a cellphone and credit:wink:
  3. I wonder if I'm the only one that thinks the shirt is pretty mediocre. I saw it and just thought "Nah, not getting it". If I do end up pre-ordering, I'd get the calender + CD
  4. Ohh you're cute:) This is awful Kailey lmao. The cheesiness of the photos made me both cringe and laugh
  5. Oh haha I didn't really mean it like that. I just meant more in the way I worded my post. Personally I'm of the opinion that it's fucked up that guys don't cry because they want to be "tough" and "masculine" and all that bullshit. I've cried thousands of times from having been sad and I don't care if people think that makes me a pussy or something. It takes more strength to let your emotions out than it does to pretend and lie to yourself about being emotionally unbreakable
  6. Thanks for the support so far guys:hug: Urgh, it's kinda really sunk in now that's she gone. I haven't cried from being sad since December and it feels really strange because it's like I almost forgot what it feels like to be sad because I've just had such a happy streak in my life for most of that time between then and now. But right now I am crying from being sad. That probably sounded horribly lame and emo, but whatever. Fuck.
  7. I'm confused, do you get like, a limited edition with the pre-order, or is it exactly the same as if you just waited until it's actually released anyway?
  8. Sure, when FBR decide to put it as available on the damn web store
  9. Urgh, I'll be the first person in this thread to say it's fucking awful. It's probably because I fucking hate Gaga's voice though lol
  10. Harry


    Sup fellow Aussie?
  11. My aunty came and told me the news just before. I'm not even sure why I'm at the computer, I just feel like staring at the ceiling and doing nothing now:( For some reason I can't cry at funerals (the funeral will be later this week), but for some reason the days after the funeral I become a complete emotional wreck who will cry every single night for a while. She was in poor health for a while, but just didn't expect it so soon:(
  12. Harry


    Haha, KISS is an atrocious band
  13. Harry


    Just think of how annoying, whiny , stupid and naive you were as a child. You sure you want to relive that?
  14. Your chin/jaw has epically good bone structure. I'm gonna haunt a guess that is the weirdest compliment you've been given, but I'm totally serious though
  15. Harry

    Daft Punk

    I used to listen to these guys heaps when my sister still lived with me. Great stuff
  16. Happy Birthday my powdered drug buddy
  17. If she came to Australia, she'd have no choice. With me, it's party hard or GTFO basically:mrgreen:
  18. My amp is still cooler. More knobs = more tone
  19. If you knew Kayla well enough, you'd know she is not the party girl type
  21. Andrew speaks the absolute truth. That sorta thing happened to a friend of mine so much and it hurt to see it. He was obsessed with a girl well over a year but he couldn't ever have her back after what happened in the past, and was totally blind to the fact so many girls in that just over a year period wanted to be with him
  22. Harry

    Lady Gaga

    I don't think someone being a huge star justifies a price like $135, ever. That's just insane greed in my eyes. It would have to be the goddamn second coming of Jesus to be worth that much. And I'd be pretty damn pissed off if Jesus didn't bring free beer to the event
  23. Harry

    Lady Gaga

    So I take it you're rich then? Because I and most of the world sure don't always have 85-135 dollars to just throw around on a concert whenever we want
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