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Everything posted by thairish

  1. http://www.download.com/Adware-Spyware-Removal/3150-8022_4-0.html?tag=dir Try one of those
  2. http://www.sojh.com/funstuff/happyfunsong.htm
  3. I wish I had money to have seen them at GIAN. Hopefully they'll have at least one gig in Dublin. Too many good bands are bypassing Ireland.
  4. thairish


    What a deadly band. And yeah, Minstrel's Prayer is so cheesy. There's a few acoustic versions of their songs on YouTube of them playing for a radio show.
  5. Navy jeans and a "Mogwai Mr Beast" t-shirt.
  6. Did anyone visit the gigsandtours.com and find the tickets for the Paramore gigs? £4, my God, so cheap. I can't seem to find any sign of Paramore on the site :/ Some help would be delish.
  7. Sheesh... calm down, like. Hah. It's spelt "was" by the way....
  8. Woah, someone's a bit rambuncious. As far as I know, at GIAN, a bunch of bands play London on the Saturday. Those same bands then play Manchester on the Sunday. While the other bunch of bands play the other city on the other day... hope that makes sense.
  9. So unfair. Ireland's not listed. Man, we get nothing.
  10. You guys sound class. Have a gig in Ireland.
  11. My thoughts exactly. Very lazy artist, in my opinion. Some sappy chords, heartfelt voice with the cheesiest cliched lyrics around.
  12. What are they saying? Like, sexist stuff like "Get in the kitchen", or rude arseholish stuff like "Suck my yaddayadda"?
  13. MCMLXXXV is such a quality album.
  14. What's wrong if someone hits on her? She more than likely gets it all the time, anyway.
  15. So unbelievable. The amount of savage gigs and concerts peeps in the States get. *sob*
  16. I know it's none of my business really, but why can't you just not visit anymore? Instead of bothering an admin you delete you?
  17. Why did they break up, does anyone know?
  18. *shudders* Man, did I hate watching Thirteen. Such an overly dramatic film.
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