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What Are You Listening To? - Part 11


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Then there's stuff like Behold...The Arctopus, that really put the emphasis on technicality. It flies way over my head.


Placebo - Something Rotten


Yeah but Behold is all fucking atonal and super dissonant though.

It's good to a point, but even someone like me who listens to avant garde music, but I need my metal to have some kind of melody at some point.

Born of Osiris isn't really super technical, technical enough to be called so, but they are plenty melodic too.

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I heard some contemporary chamber music which was like Behold^2 the other day. It honestly sounded like a dog banging random keys on the piano.


Placebo - Centrefolds


Some chamber music rules, some it is just avant garde for avant gardes sake, which sucks balls.

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