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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear ____,

I do hope you understood my subtle hint last night, I'm not going to be able to see you tomorrow. It's not that I don't want to, I just can't be bothered with the stress right now. Surely that is understandable? I'm sorry. Things will get easier in time. I've missed you so much though, it's hard.



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Dear Brother,


you honestly have no clue how much you stress me out, everyone does everything for you, you're 11 years old and i have to walk you through life and clean all your messes and i do everything and you contribute to nothing and you tell me i do nothing? Look at what you do. You really need to straighten up your act.



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Dear _____,

Even though our friendship ended last night, I'd still love to thank you for all of the good times and everything you did for me before the mess. I'm sorry things have to be this way; I never wanted things to turn out so bad. I spent half the day crying and avoiding getting out of bed, sifting through all of the memories. I'm going to miss you being my best friend. I tried to fix it but it didn't work and now I see that it never will. I wish we could fix whatever ruined it but I don't think either of us knows what did.

I still love you and will always be here for you if you ever need anything. Don't you dare forget that. I know you might be going away next year and to be honest, I hate the thought. All of this is making me sick, but I know that I just have to keep on going without you. It was the best friendship I ever had and we had some freaking good times. I'll keep every secret still.




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Dear ______,

As if I would ever accept your friend request. You treat me like utter shit, constantly. I always forgive and forget because I'm a pushover, but no, I'm not accepting you as a friend. You use everything I post online against me, to get me into trouble. You're pathetic, grow up.



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Dear _____ & ____,

Once you've lost me you've lost me for good and I won't come back. Think about that before continuing your childish bull crap. I'm younger than the both of you yet I feel older. You both act like a bunch of kids when it comes to getting revenge on someone. You guys truly don't see how pathetic you both are. I did my part, now do your effing part. Just know that time is of the essence. I forgive but I don't go back, just ask ______.

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Dear body,

do you feel like killing me or something? This headache makes me wanna cry and the pain in the chest is not much better. Just please stop already, I can't be home from school anymore. I've been away too much already. I have no energy to other than school and homework and I'm sick of that.

Please get better.



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Dear ______,

Wow. I can't believe what you told me today, well, what David and Kim told me. I am so proud of you, really. It may appear patronising, but it isn't. You're so brave and I admire your courage. I'm always going to be here for you, regardless. You're right, your true friends do accept you for who you are. Good on you.



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dear youu.

we've been through so much, and you've said some pretty damn amazing things to me, things that i know you'll never say again no matter what.


you're pretty damn special, i don't show it everyday, but you should know you are.

you'll always mean a lot to me, and you'll never actually be replaced cos i've yet to find someone who compares to you.


i love you.





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