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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear Sir,

I do appreciate all of the extra help you are giving me and I'm sorry to be such a pain. I mean what I say though, I'm failing this. I've tried so freaking hard, I've revised, I've gone to extra tuition and I just can't get my head around me. It's not even like I don't care, I do care and it's driving me mad. I'm so stressed. Sorry but confidence isn't going to help me.



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Dear Andrew McMahon,

you are such an inspiration <3 words really can't describe you, but if they could it'd be superoptikjempefantafenomenalistisk as it is the most awesome word there is. Even the song Dear Jack makes me cry, so the movie would be ever worse. I'm gonna watch it as soon as possible. You are a muscially genius. I love you!


A big big fan


Dear self,

cheer up! or write down the lyrics in your head.



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