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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear Shane,

I just finished it again.. I left your beautiful story a year and a half, I just couldn't bear to read it again because Ana is just like you and I miss you more than you'll ever know. But I did it, I read it and it was beautiful. Now I feel totally gross from crying so much, damn you for being such a fantastic writer. Thank you for being my friend, I don't know what I'd do without you. I love ya!



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dear self,


whats wrong with you? overall you've never been so happy in my entire life. you have this amazing girl, who you love more than you've loved anyone in my entire life, ever.

so why are you so unhappy? SARAH.


can we hate someone that we've never met? can we become obsessed with someone that we only know through one persons biast stories?

answer: yes. you obsessively hate her. and its completely turning you into someone i hate you being.

you're paranoid. you're self concience. you're compare things you do to her. things remind you of her all the time. you cringe when someone mentions that name, or that place shes from, or little things that relate to her.


why do you hate her so much? cause shes always there. you probably think about her more than sinead does. wait - i hope so - other wise you have a whole range of new problems in my relationship.

at first she was just your girlfriends ex. and that was fine. we all have baggage and we've all made mistakes, and you too have been in love before now. she was never a problem, nor was the texts / calls / meeting up.

(even though you never agreed with their attempt to be 'still friends' - only cause after what she did to sinead, she dosent deserve a friendship from her, we know this.)


but now knowing what you know, its different.

sarah still loves her. okay, so she has it "under controll" - fuck off. what does that suppose to mean?

"i love you, but im not gonna tell you over texts, ill wait till we meet up and then confess it"...?

"i love you and im gonna continue being a cunt cause i cant deal with the fact your moving on"...?

"i love you, you used to love me, and im not gonna let you forget it."...?

"i love you, and you're not allowed to happy in youre relationship, cause im clearly not happy in mine"....?

....all of the above. plus the fact she probably thinks you have no idea that you know about (some.... a few) of their texts and conversations.


"does this mean we're never gonna get back together?".... i wish you could convince yourself that they wont.

okay, thats going a bit far. i didnt mean that. but you just know shes willing to do alot to not let sinead move on and be happy.

i wish you could convince yourself that you and sinead wont ever break up. and that sarah'll just magically fuck off into thin air.

i wish you could convince yourself to stop thinking into things like you have been doing recently.

i wish you would stop being so paranoid, and i wish you could make sinead happier than you have been doing lately because of all of this.


yeah. you need to do something about this.

its all starting to build up again. to another fight - probably.

oh - and that was her calling this morning when sinead wouldnt pick up, i think. great. (:

i bet thats made you're day even better.


yours truely,

you before you fell madly in love.


ps, you have issues.

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Dear self,


Why are you so unhappy lately? You have an amazing girl who loves you for who you are. Even though she's moved, it doesnt mean that she will forget you. But deep down you're afraid it will happen. There is a great chance it will. Her ex-girlfriend goes to this school and you hate her. She broke Kaity's heart. She didnt deserve her at all.


You're afraid old feelings could come back.

You're afraid she'll find a guy and forget you.

You're afraid of all of it.

And to top it off, you're afraid of being in love.


You've never felt this way about anyone before.

You would do anything for her. Even take a bullet.

She means the world to you.

And she loves you back.


Yet, you are unhappy.

You're self conscious and care what other people think. Why?

She thinks you're perfect. But you aren't convinced.


I think you need a reality check.

And maybe some medication.

Or rehab.

You're addicted to a drug.



Yours Truly,


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Dear Person,

I'm thankful for the miracle God placed upon the situation for it showed me He does truly exist. I thank God for it whenever it crosses my mind. But even though it's bettering and those worries no longer haunt this family, the initial shock from the news still has me shaken. The day replays in my mind over and over like some sort of broken record. Whenever that day, those words, that moment cross my mind, I can't help but be overcome by the same feelings that tore at my insides.

I'm sure the initial shock will pass with time and soon enough I will be able to think of that very day and it will be like all of the other bad memories--there, just waiting to be grown from with no ripping feeling in my gut; but until that day comes I suppose I'm to live with the tearing. I guess it was just the shock that something that horrible can happen out of the blue like that, seemingly with no rhyme or reason. It's the inability to understand why that complicates my will to understand. I suppose there are some things in life that we're not meant to understand until the end, and I can live with that just so long as I will eventually understand.

Seeing you stand before us today reminds me that miracles do exist. I was beginning to think that perhaps miracles weren't all prevalent nowadays, but this showed me how wrong I was to think such a thing.

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Dear self,


Stop being so paranoid and untrusting!

It's becoming a MAJOR problem!

What happened happened. Get over it!

She's learned her meson and it's not gonna happen again!

(ahem, *concience kicks in*)


Get a life,

You before you fell head over heels in love

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Dear Jessica O.

i swear, this life is like an ocean. it's all smooth sailing until you reach the dark parts. it gets a little choppy

and then you hit the big waves. sometimes, you lose a man at sea, and sometimes, they jump. i don't understand how the tides work

yet, but i do know this: life is an ocean just waiting to toss you around and flip you upside down. but i always want you to know,

if you ever fall overboard or feel like jumping, i will always be your raft. always.



your marra.

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