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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear Bramble,

I'm gonna miss you girl.

I wish I knew what happened to you.







Dear Hanny Fanny,

Thank you.

You are an amazing friend and cheer me up so much.

You seem to really care, I say that about a lot of people, but you're actually organising meeting me, so I'm thinking you're a genuine friend.

Thanks for listening.

I'm so glad you were nosey that day and that I was humourous enough not to spaz out, otherwise, we wouldn't be friends.


Shanny Fanny.





Dear Shane,

Stop with the incessant teasing.

I was SO close to deleting you today,

But then,

Of course,

You sent a message of condolence outta nowhere.

Please make your mind up, I still love you a lot.


Your Paramore.




Dear Elsi,

I was thinking about you today my twinneh,

We need to catch up!

I don't want to drift apart from you too.




Dear self,

Stop writing dumb letters and TALK to these people.



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Dear Dave,


Why did you edit that last letter, it looks so angry in retrospect. Also, while I have you, stop being so afraid to let people know what you do and don't like. If you tell someone you don't like something when you actually do, at least don't go and tell everyone else who likes it the same lie. It's a pretty good way to make them angry at you, which you are just insecure enough to let bother you for a decent amount of time. You could/should explain yourself, but letting yourself feel vulnerable isn't something you are good at.


-The guy who is pissed off that you pissed everyone off (Dave)

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Dear Sister,

I know we've had our differences and that our past is not quite full of the greatest memories, but I so don't want this to be true. I hope they find that their suspicions are wrong by result of the blood test. If it's true--if you really do have cancer, I don't really know what I'd do. It'd be a slap in the face for everybody. How's this going to hit your husband-my brother-in-law-who's doing his best in the army? How's it going to get to your little girl-my niece-down the road?

Sister, I've seen you almost die before my eyes and that's something that I won't ever let go of. That's something from which anyone can't be 100% healed. I'm not willing to see such a thing again, I refuse to. I pray that you're okay.

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Dear Frank Iero,

Thank fucking you.

Your incessant screaming has made me feel 10 times better.

I no longer feel hysterical in a sad sense.

I now feel hysterical due to your amazing music.

I love you whether you are in I Am A Graveyard, Pencey Prep, My Chemical Romance or (in this case) Leathermouth.

You are a legend, a sexy one.


Your massive fan (who is probably taller than you),


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Dear self,


Where did you go? Seriously. When did the confidence disappear? It was easy pickings, on more than one occasion, and you shit the bit. Big time. Why must you always have to live with regrets? Fucking moron. You deserve to tear yourself up cause you NEVER FUCKING LEARN!





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Dear self,

Stop caring.

He doesn't.

So why should you?


Focus on celebrities from now on, or, the more safe route, the hot guy in school whom you'll never talk to as you're way too ugly.

Internet crushes are the lowest of all lows, seriously.


Your worst enemy.

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Dear sense of humor,


I love you, but you get me into a lot of shit all of the time. Either way, I'll deal with it, but I'd prefer if you at least made an effort to change.




Dear whoever wants to read this,


Sorry :(




Dear Hello Kitty,


I hate you


-The guy putting away all of your annoying toys.


Dear JimBob,


Sweet name



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Dear anyone,


If you are ever mad and just want to vent, feel free to send me angry PMs. I've got nothing better to do this weekend, as my doctor told me to do nothing for a few weeks. I'll also try to amuse you with an attempt at humor, but I can't guarantee it will be funny.



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Dear people,

What happened?

I actually used to be friends with most of you, now, all of a sudden, you all HATE me, for no reason.

But the thing is, if anything, we should be friends, you suddenly like the same music as me.

So why create the Shannon hate-club?

I'm tired of it.

I really am.

I feel so alone here and it's never gonna change.



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dear shannon,

if you need to PM me, i'm here for ya




Nah, I'm sick of bugging you all the time.


Dear Shannon


I don't hate you, at least I don't think I do. :hug:





Dear people,


Plz stop posting during the few times I'm not quoting the person I'm talking to, lol.


Directed to people in my town, lols.

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