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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear Jade, of course i have! I've been asking people if they knew where you were, Haha. And aw:hug: i'm on my phone, btw, so the post might be messed up, Haha. Love, Guro. Dear Shannon, wanna spam with me tonight? Haha. If i'll have internet that is ;p love, Guro

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Dear dad,

You are a complete utter dickhead. Ever heard of respect for the dead?! No one in the whole world will ever be as greatly loved, respected or missed as much as Michael Jackson. So stop trying to be a clever twat, it's only to wind me up. Well congratulations, you did wind me up. Arsehole.



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Dear you,


I'm sorry, I don't mean to be like this, of course I want you, I just don't want it to be a package deal :???: Your mates already give me shit, I don't want that for however long it'll take them to get used to it again. I don't get why you're so angry at me for believing you either. You had reasons to... I'm sorry :(



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Dear _____,

can't you just delete it?! I've said I don't want it there, and you should have enough brain to understand that you have to take it down. I have no idea why you've been like this lately, but i don't like this side of you.


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