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Everything posted by Marris

  1. aww I love her shirt. It's so cute :hyper:
  2. Ok, here are 2 of my latest photos nothing special xD
  3. I'm not sure whether this is the right thread or not but ok.... I want to buy a domain for my paramore website. But I don't know which sounds good. I thought about taking Paramore-Online.de/org/com etc. or Paramore-Web. The problem is that there are a lot of websites which have such domains. I don't want domains like Just-Paramore or stuff like that. You know? :D So my question. Do you have any good ideas? Or what do you think about the -web or -online.
  4. uhhhm i went to the concert in cologne and there was a 12-year-old clone of Hayley. I couldn't believe it. It was so terrible! She wore the yellow tight pants and her hair was so stupid yellow & orange -.- and I HATE THE BRAVO. That magazines sucks so much, it hurts -.- It annoys me to hear those little kids scream wherever they are: "omg Paramore ahhhhhhhh and I'm the biggest fan and I know them for 839284 years.... just because the Bravo wrote something about them
  5. Sure. They're awesome! I don't know all of their songs but those I know are pretty good I have the Kezia album and I love turn soonest to the sea hehe
  6. "Somewhere weakness is our strength" I don't know but this line means a lot to me.... & "Maybe if my heart stops beating it won't hurt this much" SO TRUE!
  7. It sounds pretty good I think but it's weird to hear those songs with a guy voice
  8. yaa that's right. I saw it on ebay and I thought: "why have I never seen this shooting o.O" haha
  9. Marris

    hey <333

    Thanks Vic hehe. At the moment I'm thinkin about to open an english version (if i have the time ) But I'm not sure. There are just tooooo much english speakin Paramore fans
  10. I really really hope so. Weeee that'd be awesome. I WANT IT
  11. The fullsize of this? Is there also a photoshoot not just the scans?
  12. Weee thank you! I lovelovelovelove this song =DD
  13. Marris

    hey <333

    Thanks a lot. <3 Ya I'm sorry I know, an English version would be better...but the German fans also have to support them :mrgreen:
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