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Everything posted by st.brittney

  1. cold i just found out that only 2% of the worlds population lives in a colder climate than where i live sweeeeeeeeeeet lmao
  2. 150 points i'm a little confused lol
  3. i hope they take christmas pics lol. i wanna see zac in that christmas costume again
  4. hmm.... well why would they go on tour then when they're working on an album? it'll probably be done by then...but still. hmm. if this ends up being true and they come to MN i'll deffinatly go though.
  5. OMFG I LOVE HIM! everyone's like OmG hE's NoT hOt He'S oLd! GrOsS! but my heart stopped when he came on the screen during twilight. lmao
  6. have i been living under a freakin rock? when did the kiss my sass video come out? just heard it came out now! i liked it though
  7. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG:hyper::hyper::hyper: ......i really like warped tour. best part of my year. eeeeeeep
  8. these are awesome! can i have the origional to the 2nd one?:hyper:
  9. adding to my note, i don't think them being on the twilight soundtrack was a big deal. they wanted to be on it, and were very happy to end up being on it. and besides, most twilight readers were already paramore fans anyways.
  10. whichismyBIRTHDAAAAAY:mrgreen:
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