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New post on Paramore website 16/02


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1st let me say before I post, that reading, and reading these responses, I have a great respect for many of you on this site. Honestly, you blow me away in your communication skills and wit, so take this how you want but remember how your mother would feel if this were your life on line.


wow..it's so hard to read lies about your loved ones.

Reading responses on here, calling my daughters "cunts" because they dated people in the business they are in, calling Sherri a "bitch", ragging on Max for defending his wife's character....I just don't get it.

Actors date actors, doctors date doctors....etc. Where's the crime in that? Why are my daughters called "sluts, cunts, whores" for this?

FYI...they don't qualify for any of those definitions.


Our family has held our tongue about the truth of what happened between Sherri and Chad.

I am proud of my son in law, (Max), for having the balls to put himself out there to take the blows for defending his wife's character.


There are things we could say, things we could post, things we have that were completely immoral in the way Chad handled himself in the marriage, but we have not put those things out for public consumption because Sherri decided to take her undeserved lumps and move on.

Honestly...we don't even care anymore...we don't ever even think about Chad until we are pulled again into one of his lying, slanderous dramas. And there have been one's that have not hit the internet.


Chad made the comment, something like, " I don't like drama about my personal life"...that's why he posts absolute shiz about his breakup with Sherri on blog sites, magazine articles, interviews, and now lameass, slanderous, songs.


Sherri moved on with Max, AFTER the divorce papers were signed. She didn't even meet Max in person until after the divorce. THAT IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH.


She was a kind, loving, and faithful wife..constantly doing amazing, and creative, thoughtful things for Chad, and was always doing things to surprise and please him.

So she didn't like some of his music choices, or some of his "thieving friends" (as he revealed)...is that grounds for slander? divorce?

Things ended when Chad pursued Hayley on WARPED tour, (three months into the marriage).

What wife wouldn't be devastated, angry, destroyed? Two years of loving, dreaming, planning on a life with a person whom she thought loved her, ripped from her in a cheating bed.

However, we/she have gotten over that....for real....I only bring it up again after Chad's lies about her today in the posting of his solo project.

besides....Max is amazing, and loves, and cherishes Sherri, and has the right to defend her character, (as I guess I am doing the same both as a mother, and mother n law).

Max is such an amazing husband to Sherri that I have cried tears of joy on many occasions, in awe of how awesome he is, his strong moral character, how much he loves my daughter, and how he continually shows her that. It really is an amazing love. Any mother would give her right arm to have each of her children find such amazing love.

Max admits freely the mistakes he has made in life, and it takes a REAL man to do that publicly.


People call my daughters all kinds of horrible things. It's the nature of the unmannered internet.

I get it.

They call me names, Boyd names...WHATEVER!

As Sherri tweeted recently something to this affect, "at the end of the day, it's what those that are closest to you, know and love you that really matters.." (Not an exact quote)


But, even though my daughter's have dated, married, been engaged to guys in bands, they were not "loose" women, or whores, sluts, or "cunts".

They've taken some blows with relationships, (as everyone does that puts their heart out there), but have learned from their mistakes, (as we all should be allowed to), and now are in healthy, happy relationships thankful for where life has brought them....even though the path was painful at times. Not blaming, but learning and moving on.

I am not trying to turn any Chad/Hayley lover into a hater. We don't want anything to do with them and hope they are happy.

Max and Sherri, our family deserve the same chance at happiness, without having to deal with continual lies about our family.

99% of people that say shiz about us, do not know us at all.


I know what the replies are going to be from here.

"sit down bitch"

"you're too old to be on the internet"

"go back into your hole"

"whah..taking up for your babies"

I've heard them...I don't care. I have just as much right to reply, respond, if not more. ,I know these people personally....they are my loved ones being slandered in public forum, and now in song, and people cheering the immoral act, making Chad into a hero, and Sherri and Max into the villians.

If the song spoke truth...we would take our lumps....it's the lies about Sherri's character, and how she ruined his life.

She never jumped into someone else' pants while married, or even after until married again. Sorry to be so blunt....no, I'm not.

Truth is... Sherri was a great, loving wife, unexpectedly hit by betrayal of the worst kind. The disregard for sacred marriage vows and trust.


I sincerely hope that your lives never bring you to such public scrutiny, and misunderstanding about yourself, and if so....I hope that you have someone in your life that would love you enough to speak out publicly to defend you, if and when you are slandered.


Chad was a fun guy..I loved him like a son. We all took him in our hearts. I just wish he would have owned up to his deeds and moved on, instead of taking the route he did and continues to take, lying and smearing Sherri's name, blaming her for the breakup.

Shiz happens....stop pulling us in to your drama by slandering our family.

Be happy, move on, and get on with your next conquest.


The Chad/Hayley lovers will never want to hear, or believe what happened to break up Sherri and Chad's marriage.

We don't begrudge any of their fans.

But, if Chad would have been a "real man" if he would have just owned up to things and said..."it happened, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I've made my choice and am moving on."

Instead he has continued to lie in blogs, magazines, interviews, calling our friends, any place he can. He continues to make this public.

He's lied so much about what was real, that he actually believes it happened the way he said.

It's a strange world we live in where immoral deeds are heralded as some great thing, "I'm proud of what I did and I'd do it again", (watch out for that one Hayley)....and everyone cheers Chad for writing such a great song and sticking it to Sherri...ha ha ha, that evil, faithful bitch!.

To each his own...everyone has reasons for taking the side they want.

It's the classic example of people blaming the victim for being a victim.

Believe it or not....Sherri is a beautiful, amazing, selfless, kind, loving, thoughtful, unassuming, talented women that just married the wrong guy the first time around.

Thankful for the amazing place she is now.

Max is the most interesting, thoughtful, loving, intelligent, unselfish, full of integrity, and insanely creative guy I know.

I'm proud/blessed to have him as my son in law.


I've spoken my peace and truth. I have a right to do so just as anyone who in this day and age who owns a computer.

Max...you waxed eloquent. People should take the time to read it all. Very well thought out...

I'm prepared for the SA, DuPree, Eisley haters to spew....

But the truth had to be spoken.


Some interesting words in there. I don't think Sherri's 'innocent' but no matter how Chad words it, if the DuPree's thought it was about them then it probably was. She might've gone a bit over the top with it but as a parent she's well within her rights to defend her children. I wouldn't hesitate for a second to defend my offspring in the future.

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Some interesting words in there. I don't think Sherri's 'innocent' but no matter how Chad words it, if the DuPree's thought it was about them then it probably was. She might've gone a bit over the top with it but as a parent she's well within her rights to defend her children. I wouldn't hesitate for a second to defend my offspring in the future.


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Music revolving around New Found Glory is always about break ups. I wouldn't assume I would know who they're talking about or over react from it....Let me post his reponse since Max's and Sherri's were posted.


This post is just to clean the air. Yesterday I released 3 solo songs on my new blog/music website. One of them called "Thinkin bout her" is a silly exaggerated love song about my past relationships. I want to stress the word "relationshipSSSSS". The other member of my band even wrote some of the words to this song. It was just a fun song singing about learning self confidence and celebrating it. In no way was it geared as an attack to any one person or to anyone at all. It was just a song. The people that have been hating on it and writing mega long posts have put a name to the song. Not I. You can write about anything in songs. Cannibal Corpse sing about eating people. The Decemberists sing about being stuck in the belly of a whale. I wrote a song about past LoveSSSSSS. A very common topic in songs. I never said it was about one person in particular. I haven't and still won't air dirty laundry and lash out to anyone. Life is too short and fragile, which I was recently reminded of after having a tumor removed from my neck a month ago.


I have been receiving amazing support from so many artists and fellow musicians and fans. This was blown way out of proportion for no reason. I feel sad for all parties involved. People jumped the gun and need to be happier in life.







and his tweet to Adam of TBS, after Adam voiced his opinion

@burbankhays can you believe all this? I have recorded 6 full length albums of break up songs and now 13 years later this happens! So weird
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he doesn't have to word it a certain way to prove otherwise, have you listened to anything else by NFG? :P

i have

i'm just saying, if it was really about a 'group' of relationships it would probably be a little more obvious

this song is clearly about one person

and regardless of whether it's about sherri or someone else, it's still a rather mean song and shouldn't have been released

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There must have evidently been lines in that song about Sherri though. Even if he is telling the truth, and it is about several girls, Max et al. would not have jumped with no reason. They clearly felt aggrieved by it and although it may have been dealt with in a messy manner, I don't think there's any excusing anyone's behaviour in the whole affair.

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I dont think that Chad is innocent in all of this but c mon if you have to magnify your daughter so much then deffo something is wrong. She maid her sound like saint and that is just wrong to me. I fell sorry that Hayley has been draged into this mess.

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I dont think that Chad is innocent in all of this but c mon if you have to magnify your daughter so much then deffo something is wrong. She maid her sound like saint and that is just wrong to me. I fell sorry that Hayley has been draged into this mess.

hayley's just as guilty as everyone else involved

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hayley's just as guilty as everyone else involved


I don't understand how Hayley's guilty? She's stayed out of it. We don't know if Hayley encouraged Chad to write about his ex and release the song, she hasn't said anything bad about Sherri or Max from what I've seen (unless I'm missing something?). And whatever happened between Chad and Sherri before she got involved with Chad remains between Chad and Sherri.


I understand Max defending his wife, he could have done it privately though so none of this would have been blown out of proportion.

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If that song Chad wrote was about Sherri then she must have been awesome in the bedroom department for him to stick with her for so long.


Or maybe not


There are things we could say, things we could post, things we have that were completely immoral in the way Chad handled himself in the marriage
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i don't just mean about the song, i mean the whole situation

she's just as involved as everyone else whether she wants to admit it or not

she's not completely innocent like everyone seems to think she is


Maybe I'm just dense or something, but I'm still not seeing how she's guilty in the situation. She's involved, yes, because she's with Chad. But does that mean that her involvement with Chad automatically makes her guilty of something?

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