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PF.com Interview with Paramore - 5.18.07 - Anaheim, CA

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You guys rock - I've finally gotten time to read all these questions and they're great...and here I thought we might have trouble getting new questions this time - I was so wrong :)


And yay for Alyssa getting to do this!

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I have a lot. But here ya go...are there going to be anymore future contests? Ask Hayley what it is like being on the road all the time with 4 other stinky guys? What is the longest they have went without showering and who was it? And last but not least...I heard the music industry is deciving. Since you have been in the industry for a little while now, how has your perspectives change about the music industry since you started and to now?...Is everybody a snake, and just in it for the money? Thank you! I hope I didn't post to late-Rachel ATL

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× How does it feel to have lost members of your band multiple times so early in your careers?


× If you ever have a burst of inspiration, perhaps in the shower, where there isn't any form of writing utensil (pen/phone, otherwise), what do you do?


× Are the spoken word segments of the performance for the most part planned out, or is it all improvision?


× What was the process like when you were revamping the songs for the live set?


× If Paramore didn't work out as well as it has, what would each of you have been doing right now?




---here are five questions. I have plenty more, but I decided to cut myself off. :]]] SYDNI.||XOD

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-Well, first, tell Hayley that she's inspired me to do a lotttt.

-Ask them if they can come to Connecticut. =P

-Funniest story from touring?

-One thing you can't live without on tour?

-What song off of RIOT! are you most proud of?

-Hayley - what inspires you most when you're writing?

-Is there a reason some of the songs we've heard on tour [Rewind, Temporary, etc.] didn't make it on RIOT!, but Hallelujah made it? Does Hallelujah have any special meaning for you or is there another reason?


I might come up with more later. =]

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even though i pretty much got my answer in another thread im going to ask..


What is it specifially thats shameful about Misery Business? The song itself as a whole or just the subject?




If you could tell your fans just one thing about yourselves, what would it be?



I dont think any of the questions have already been asked..if so, sorry!

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Oooo, I got some more.....:)


-Josh and Zac, how did you come up with the rainbow songs!? They're so awesome, I sing them all the time on the bus, and in class!

-If you could have your own TV show, what would it be called, what would it be about, and what channel would it be on?

-If you could collaberate with anyone right now, who would it be and why?

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-Absolute worst thing you've ever eaten?


-Do you like sushi?


-Who doesn't love Sata Claus?!


-What was/is your best subject in school?


-To Hayley: what's it like to be 18 (the same age as me, and even YOUNGER than most fans) and to be looked up to by so many young girls? Do you feel like it's a lot of extra pressure on not just you, but the entire band? Or is it something that just comes naturally, or that you feel like you should be doing as a famous artist (setting a good example) --or both??


-Hayley: Explain the fab hair. Why the orange that we all love so much?

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