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Party :(


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Well, I went to a party last night.

Oh dear

I got upset early on for some reason. Someone called me a stupid emo and I think I took it to heart lol. So I drowned my sorrows!!!

Bad idea

I'm missing about 4 hours of my life. Apparently I was hugging everyone, falling over etc. Then I finally started thowing up in a bin. I thought it was for about 10 mins but aparently it was over an hour...

People thought I was dead at one point so they had to check my pulse lol. I was basically possessed or something, cos I would never go overboard like I did :(


So, any times you've gone a bit too far??

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Whoa, good job you're okay now haha.

I get picked on a lot for being "emo" when I'm actually quite the opposite.

I'll admit, it sometimes gets to me too, I tend to take the loud music approach though.

I do drink with friends, but I'm pleased to say I've never gotten drunk, I'm naturally drunk anyway in hyper behaviour. xD

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Um. Way too many times i'm sorry to say :( Most of the time its fine though, because i make an actual tit out of myself but its only around my friends who have done exactly the same thing to each other on millions of occasions.


But i went to this small festival with a few of my skatery aquantances and this guy i wanted to impress (i didn't fancy him, but you know when you just want someone to like, respect you?) but i ended up going way over the top with the drink and i remember having a pretty excellent time but not the details at all.

The day i got back i was on MSN to this guy and he started telling me everything i was doing. Like dancing with all the wrong people; falling quite literally flat on my face and staying there... Luckily he found it funny, but oh god, embarrassing for sure.

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well i've personally never gotten drunk (or even had a drink) but prom weekend oohh boy, my friends were hysterical.


one of my guy friends was so wasted that he tried to go at it with a girl but couldnt put it up...three times. and then he was so drunk that he told everyone about it!!


another girl for some reason decided to drink on an empty stomach had wayy to many shots of absolute and was puking for FOUR HOURS.


my guy friend took off his shirt to rub his nipple to "distract the other beer pong" team.


later that weekend he grabbed some girls underwear and ran around with it on his head.


it was hysterical, i was peeing my pants the whole time.

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lmao! that was a good one we do this drinking game called "save the queen" and basically you throw a coin in somones pint and scream "save the queen" and they have to down the pint so the queen doesnt drown, and if they dont down it you get to punch them in the face for killing the queen, yeh.

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best part is, this chick is what you would call a DIRTY WHORE! so she found another guy in our group that didnt mind sloppy fourths of the weekend. they went at it.


but "mr. im too fucked up to have sex" and "miss. whore" went at it the day after that.


delightful drama oowwweee

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oh man i normally just get proper like laddish when im drunk i just run around screaming peoples names at them and hugging them and jumping in photos and being happy and being like "YEH MAAAAAAANNN HES A CUNT HHHHAAHAHAAAAAAA DOWN ANOVER CARLING"

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i was just happy that one of our "friends" that we really dont like because he thinks he's a blood (a local gang) and claims that he almost got blessed in, but whatever, we encouraged him to just smoke weed the whole weekend so he wouldnt tell us that he loved us so much and that we had no idea how much he really loved us...like the last time he got wasted

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haha yeah you do that when you are drunk, i am like in every picture when i am drunk but i hate it when i am sober and they are taking pics i'm like "piss off with that camera before i shove it where the sun don't shine"

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So, any times you've gone a bit too far??

I lost all my school friends a year or so ago because we were at a bbq and they were a bit drunk as was I and they said something about wore lass so I kicked over the bbq (ashes went everywhere) and then picked it up to threaten them with it and none of them have spoken to me since.


I spray painted my checked shirt and it went through to my chest one time when I was drunk.


I stole a shopping trolley and put a plastic bag in it and set fire to it just so I could see the plastic melt in order to make Terminator 2 jokes :rotfl:


I was once at my girlfriends grans caravan park out in the country and we went to a pub about 10 mins away and I got drunk so on the way pack I thought I saw something in the field and climbed the little wall and didnt see the barbwire and I cut my bollocks open :oops:


I once drank harrods aftershave whilst drunk to try and get more drink from the alcohol content.


I once walked along a wall and then fell only to land on a police car and when I tried to run away I just ran into the ground which made the policemen laugh


I once went to a local rock bar to drink as much as I could on the pound a pint night only to go missing and to be later found trying to run up the Tyne Bridge :rotfl:


I once set fire to my pubes at a party and burnt the end of my knob and ended up in the A&E so yeah i've went too far at times :rotfl:

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for starters, i practically ALWAYS cry when ive been drinking, for any possible reason, big or small. you bet i'll find something to winge about.

i used to get really uptiight about it, but now ive just kind of accepted that its just the effect it has on me. i mean it could be worse, right? ive never thrown up, passed out or done anything i've later regretted (hint) as such. plus, i dont tend to suffer from hangovers.


but, at new year i realllly went too far. i actually have no idea how much i had to drink. i just know that i cant recall anything from about 11pm-5am.!

firstly some arse jammed my left middle finger in a door, which at the time i didnt even notice cause i was so hammered. it wasnt 'til like an hour later i was like OOWWW.

then as midnight came and went, i was just hysertical - crying for my then-boyfriend who couldnt be there, even though our relationship was pretty fucked up by then anyway, but thats another story...

as soon as i got home the next day, i was pretty ashamed of myself - i mean, i was such a tit that night. even now i still cringe about it. i'd looked forward to the party for weeks and i went and did THAT.

still, ive never let myself make such a fool of myself again. for now, anyway...

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i had my stomach pumped when i got really hammered while taking strong painkillers for 3 broken ribs and a broken toe, so when i got drunk i passed out cause mixing them just like makes you die, i woke up really confused in hospital. that wasnt cool.

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