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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear Kyla,


Thanks for getting your friends to try and make our night miserable on Monday, but it didn't work! I had one of the best nights of my life! Sorry you can't handle the fact that your boyfriend will meet new friends that are girls. And stop being such a crazy clingy bitch. Guys hate that.



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Dear Quinn,

I promise you I don't hate the beard. I'm a kiss-ass for you, I know. At first, I was like "Eeek, Quinn has a beard!" But now I just think it makes you even more ruggedly handsome. The video you made was sweet though. You hunka hunka burnin' love.


An obsessor of yours.

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Dear thread,

I have just read over all of my posts in you. Got to say, it was very interesting. I seem to have changed a lot since my first post in this thread (in August 08.) I'll take this as a positive thing, although some things haven't worked out, I've come on leaps and bounds on a personal level. I guess this is growing up.




P.S: I really need to start saying things to people's faces. I post here too often.

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Dear self,

Don't let the bastards grind you down. Let them talk about you, if they have nothing better to do, so be it. Be flattered, you are so unbelieveably exciting that people constantly need to be bitching about you. Okay, so at the time, you feel hurt and awkward. You always forget that though, after a few days, you just wonder why you let it upset you. None of those fuckers are worth an ounce of your time. Come summer, they'll be out of your life, apart from walking past them in the street. Let them do what they want, you can continue to grow and enjoy being you. Don't feel the need to change, for people you dislike anyway. You still have trouble trusting people, but that is okay. You have Demi, Han, Guro, Ashley, Ernie and a few other people that you can have fun with and confide in. So what if they either live abroad or don't talk to you much in person? That doesn't matter. People care about you. That is way more important than focusing on the people who hate you. They're just jealous. Of what, I'm not sure, but that is the case.

They're just cowards, be strong.



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Dear Shanny,


- Demster.


Dear Self,

Decisions, decisions..

I think you'd be better off texting her, showing her you're way above her stupid attitude.

Other than this, you have plenty of essays, and a work experience to make and arrange..

Come on, bother!

- Demi.

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Dear Chloe,

You are a totally horrible person. You have so many faults about you and yet you still continue to put down everyone around you. Maybe that is why... Still, the reasons aren't justified. You are a bully and a bitch. I'd really like to give you a piece of my mind, but you aren't worth the effort. Just know that as horrible as my friends and I may be, we are better than you. We don't have to constantly gossip to have fun. Get a life, grow up and get over yourself. Pathetic bitch.



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Dear Lewis,


Tomorrow is gonna be amazing. I know there's about 30 people wanting to see you tomorrow but I really hope that you find a bit of one on one time with each person. I've missed you more than you will ever know over the past year and I really can't wait to see you again. I'm gonna give you the biggest hug. HeeHee :)


Love Becca xxx

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