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Everything posted by xletthisgox

  1. xletthisgox


    oh boy lol only the girls like that post i got tons of flack from all the guys
  2. honestly? i think girls are better than guys. if i HAD to pick. i mean SOME girls are hot, have nice bodies, gorgeous eyes etc. lol and they are just the most entertaining things to look at but if I didnt have to pick I would say its a tie, cause guys have their strengths and weaknesses, and so do girls.
  3. tell him exactly what you just said here. that way, he will be too shocked to say anything back, like beg..etc. and he'll be too hurt to contact you again problem solved seriously though. goodluck
  4. ive never seen this thread. but i seriously just went though every paged and laughed for the past 15 minutes these are hilarious lol
  5. well, I thought of that, but honestly I dont care if people thin I am arrogant. The only reason why I thought it was me is because the secret keeper posted it on the same day I came back, in the same thread, and on the same page. I mean I dont post pictures on here cause I want to make other people feel ugly, or because I want girls to tell me how good looking I am. I jsut do it because I like seeing what other people on this board look like, and so I thought maybe theyd wanna see what other people on here look like too. its nice to be back
  6. okay, so I just recently started posting on these boards after being gone a while. and this was posted like the day I came back I think? and it was posted on the same page I posted. So if the person who posted this is reading this, and wants to own up to their feelings towards me, I want you to PM me. If this even is about me. I think it is just cause some girls on here think I'm attactive, and some don't obviously. and if this is a guy who posted this, then I think you just feel threatened by me. and I don't talk about anything because its online. So sorry if I bore
  7. well actually I can say that, but it's the moderators who make up the rules, and if you post something against those rules... then they can remove the post. just a heads up
  8. That's not the point. The book you meantioned isn't on this thread. And neither should there be poems about killing people of ANY religion. If you wanna post things like that I would sugest going to like an anti-christian forum or somethin.
  9. but she didnt write a poem about killing people who are offended by christianity. pretty much any bashing of religion/race/sexuality etc.. should be left off the forums.
  10. the design on the back of my shoes reminds me of the whole RIOT! design =]
  11. i think demi is really cute and has a good voice! =]
  12. ahhh i have ALWAYS thought she's gorgeous
  13. I havent been on here in forever. so im updated some recent pictures of me =]
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