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Jade Goody dies.


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Yeah, Jorji managed to say it better.

And James, get over what I said yesterday, everyone has bad days, yesterday was mine.

Oh aye, and when people are saying she gets more attention than "average" people, it's mainly down to the fact she's a celebrity.

Yes it's not fair and all that but that's the British media for you. I just find it annoying when people say she was a national treasure and The princess Di or this generation, was she fuck. She wasn't the nicest person and she was quite thick, but it's just unfortunate she got terminal cancer, and at such a young age too.

Wouldn't wish it upon anybody.

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For anybody that doesn't know her she was described as "the ultimate reality show star". She was the poster girl for how reality tv could work for someone. She was on Big Brother and all of a sudden she was one of Britains celebrity's. She wasn't well liked and was accused of racism when she went back onto Celebrity Big Brother which almost caused an international incident. She recieved her smear test results LIVE ON INDIAN BIG BROTHER. Since then she's more been seen as somebody that campaigns for the good of cancer patients and somebody who's been strong throughout


I'm sure theres somebody that most countries have thats something slightly like her (How she got to fame etc.).. We used to have two though, Jade and Kerry Katona :???: Although she's slightly different

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