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Swine Flu could be a pandemic


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You shouldn't call Americans stupid because honestly, that's ignorant in itself. We're not the only ones who insist upon going to work or school despite being sick. No one should ever put down the people of their own country.


I'm not saying all, I'm saying some. Like my friends for example. One or two them wouldn't come to school, but the others would. It's just I've never heard of people being so selfish like this. All my teachers in England always said to stay at home if you're sick.


And I'm not American, I'm British, so it's not my country. I just live here now. :P


But going off topic isn't helping.


I'm really scared about it, that's all. Especially with the sports matches, other schools coming here and whatnot.

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I'm not saying all, I'm saying some. Like my friends for example. One or two them wouldn't come to school, but the others would. It's just I've never heard of people being so selfish like this. All my teachers in England always said to stay at home if you're sick.


And I'm not American, I'm British, so it's not my country. I just live here now. :P


But going off topic isn't helping.


I'm really scared about it, that's all. Especially with the sports matches, other schools coming here and whatnot.


Of course. But we've got stupid people everywhere, haha. I do agree that it's selfish, especially them knowing the risk Swine Flu has. Heck, if I had it, I wouldn't even want to go back home because I wouldn't want to get my family sick.


Well, the truth is that we can't box ourselves away from the world forever. The Swine Flu is around and until we combat it somehow all we can do is take precautions and avoid living as fearful and lifeless robots. Washing the hands has been proven to reduce chances of getting any sort of virus, so it will help reduce the risk of getting Swine Flu too.

You see, what I've noticed at even my school alone is that kids will each lunches with their bare hands even after touching doorknobs, desks, etc. without washing. Those places are breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses, especially computer keyboards. Because of this, of course viruses are going to spread more frequently because kids don't seem to think about just what's growing on the surfaces of what they touch. WASH THE HANDS.


Though Swine Flu has gone around before, this one is a completely new string for which new antibiotics must be created. It's a mixture of things and is an influenza A virus. Its DNA contains that of the Avian virus (otherwise known to be Bird Flu) as well as H1N1. It's thought to be a string of the Spanish Flu (a pandemic in 1918 from which my great grandmother died).

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Oh for fucks sake, not this.

Fair enough people being worried in America, seeing as there's more threat, but there's so many people in the UK who get a cough and are like, SHIT SWINE FLU!

My mums works in a doctors surgery and she says the number if people phoning in thinking they have it is ridiculous.

I'm already sick of this and it's only been in the news for a few days.

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Swine Flu is quickly becoming a causer of MASS HYSTERIA. My guitar teacher and I were speaking of it today during my lesson and he made a good point: Think of how many Americans die each year of just the regular flu alone--thousands and thousands beyond counting. And though Americans are pretty much at a higher risk for getting the yearly flu that takes thousands of American lives, there's no MASS HYSTERIA surrounding it.

I wouldn't be surprised if people started talking themselves down into getting Swine Flu. The body and mind are both strong things and shouldn't be tampered with. Look on the bright side: If you do get it and live (which have been cases where people have contracted it but haven't even had to receive hospital treatment and were able to make healthy recoveries) then at least you're naturally immune to it.

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Mexico has revised down the suspected death toll from swine flu from 176 to 101, indicating that the outbreak may not be as bad as was initially feared.


In cases outside Mexico, the effects do not appear to be severe.


Mexico: 101 suspected deaths - 16 confirmed




Over-reaction. Over-reaction. Over-reactionnn. :P

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How are they measuring their "suspected deaths", anyway? Is it like "hmm, I suspect there has been two deaths in Mexico City today...or maybe fifteen..." or what? Agh, the regular flu is killing people around the world but it isn't labeled a pandemic on the news everyday.


Anyway, I'm surprised at how mild the virus has been so far when taken into the account that there was talk about closing the northern border of Mexico. I'm not going to laugh just yet, but I expected something more serious to come out of it, I really did.

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