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Confession Thread - Part 8


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Yeah I can imagine it would get to be a pain in the ass rather quickly, especially for people driving around


Plus, you have to shovel that shit, it becomes icy, and is just not pleasant.

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I've owned these if this counts.


But no, I've never had a pair of chucks.


You're let off, at least you don't have Chucks lol.

My sister used to wear them before they (chucks) became "cool".

It's okay that people wear them, but what wasn't cool that suddenly a whole heap of people went and bought them because their friends had them and not because they necessarily liked them that much themselves.

Fuck, think for yourselves people and decide what YOU like, not your friends, argh.

I mean, a lot of people I've seen have the same kind of Globe Shoes as me, but I buy these shoes because they actually fit my feet well and seem to work for me.

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