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Josh and Hayley Interview (Synergy Magazine)


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Paramore Interview with Hayley and Josh


by Ilana Taub




The nice thing about Paramore is that they can come off all professional and talented and totally amazing on record and on stage, but then you talk to them and you still see that they are just little teenagers who spill ketchup and can't hold on to their chicken wings. Let's get personal with the scene's next big thing.


Synergy: I was going to ask this question to everyone but it is especially funny asking you. Warped Tour is 12 years old now. What would you have been doing during the summer 12 years ago?

Josh: Ahahahahah

Hayley: Wait, how old am I? I was 5! I think I was at Disney World with my parents when I was 5 in the summer.

Josh: That is crazy. I was about 6 or 7. What was I doing? Summer…probably going on vacation to Maine or something because that is where my family goes a lot – or used to.

Hayley: I used to ride bikes when I was 5.


Synergy: When is the first time you guys went to Warped Tour?

Hayley: The first time we ever went is when we played, last year.


Synergy: What do you think of the whole Warped chaos experience as opposed to your shows that you do normally?

Hayley: It's cool, it's perfect.


Synergy: What household item do you miss the most when you are on tour?

Josh: Dude, my toilet! My own toilet. It's nice.

Hayley: You can do a lot of thinking on a toilet

Josh: You don't have to worry about people with diseases sitting on it or peeing all over the seat. I miss it


Synergy: So let's say the rest of your band got food poison from catering one day, what Warped band would you join for the day?

Josh: Underoath!!!

Hayley: I would want to join either Underoath or maybe I would want to be in, I'd probably ask Joan Jett if I could take her place one day.


Synergy: Are you still in high school?

Hayley: I just graduated. I took my ACT, I got a 20.


Synergy: Is that good or bad?

Hayley: I'm one point above average. YES!


Synergy: Does that mean you are going to college now?

Hayley: I don't know, I definitely want to take some sort of course in the future but I'm not sure.


Synergy: I know you don't come from a big town – how have they reacted to you with the whole band thing?

Josh: Some get really jealous, just to be honest, we've gotten a lot of crap. And some are really, really supportive. They are always happy for us when we come home.


Synergy: Are you totally popular in school now?

Hayley: It's not so much like, we were never really a scene band in Nashville, which is totally fine for use, but like we didn't really start to gain the respect that a hometown crowd gives a band until recently. You know? It's been really cool to watch that grow and I feel like that its something that is real and you know, it's cool. But the friends that we do have, the ones that don't expect us to be different or they don't change us in their minds – those are the best friends we'll ever have and they'll always be there.

Josh: Oh crap! (he spilled food on himself)



Synergy: You guys have ketchup on you all over the place.

Hayley: (pointing at her shorts) Well this if from the photoshoot that I did this morning with Sonny and Will. Sonny is From First to Last and Will is in Aiden, and so of course Sonny brought raw steaks and tons of blood and ketchup.

Synergy: Naturally…


Synergy: Have you seen your video on TV yet?

Hayley: Yes, awkward! Well I have a funny story actually. Ok I don't know if it is that funny but I'll share it will you. We were at this mall one time because we had to play a Journeys kind of thing, something for Journeys shoes and we had the chance to hang out at home at this huge mall we have in downtown Nashville. I was walking around and I sat down outside on this bench and I looked up and Journeys is right there and I'm like that's pretty ironic you know. And I look up at the TV and our video is on. And I'm like oh shoot, someone is going to think I'm trying to get noticed. And people that worked there were starting to look at me, and then looking at the TV and go…(at this point she accidentally tips over her plate of food)

Oh man…there goes a chicken finger! I'll still eat it, I don't care.

Anyways, I felt stupid, it was pretty awkward.


Synergy: How much time on tour do you spend on Myspace?

Hayley: Oh my gosh, embarrassing. Josh isn't on it that much. I tried for so long to stay away from it but all my other friends started getting it back home and it is the easiest the way to keep in touch, so I'm like an addict. It's pretty gross.


Synergy: Who do you think is the hottest guy on Warped Tour?

Hayley: I don't know, honestly I feel like they are all my friends. I have to think…

Josh: She thinks I am!

Hayley: Josh is the hottest guy on Warped Tour!

Josh: She does…I'm hot

Hayley: Honestly, I don't think I'm attracted to anyone out here


Synergy: Do you have a boyfriend at home?

Hayley: I might, I may not. But honestly it is just that way. My mom gets scared because I don't think there are any famous people that are attractive. I guess it's just when you are in a band and it's a creative environment I don't really see people like that. I don't see them two-dimensionally on posters. They are real people to me. I'm just friend with them, I love them all!


Synergy: What is the popular toy on Warped tour this year?

Josh: Little mopeds or scooters that are motorized. Everyone has them, just scooting around. Either that or Guitar Hero

Hayley: Yah Guitar Hero is huge

Josh: PS2!


Synergy: Have you been to the batting cages at all?

Hayley: Last year we did.

Josh : I did. I was terrible.

Hayley: Josh is the best at it. He played baseball for awhile.


Synergy: What's next for you guys?

Hayley: We get off Warped Tour in Ventura, it's our last day. We go home for two week and write and rehearse. And then we go out for a headlining tour, two months long and then we are doing a couple things in Europe. And then we come back, and we record. We are going to try and write and get a new record.



it's soooo funny. hahaha i love them!



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ahh that was awesome. i loved that so much!

my fav part.


Synergy: What household item do you miss the most when you are on tour?

Josh: Dude, my toilet! My own toilet. It's nice.

Hayley: You can do a lot of thinking on a toilet

Josh: You don't have to worry about people with diseases sitting on it or peeing all over the seat. I miss it


hahadh. hayley.

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ahh that was awesome. i loved that so much!

my fav part.


Synergy: What household item do you miss the most when you are on tour?

Josh: Dude, my toilet! My own toilet. It's nice.

Hayley: You can do a lot of thinking on a toilet

Josh: You don't have to worry about people with diseases sitting on it or peeing all over the seat. I miss it


hahadh. hayley.


i personally think that it was a LITTLE too much info about josh. but it was pretty funny. i laughed really loudly (?).


thanks for posting it steph. and that picture is cute.

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