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new lj for 8/17/07

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they totally just updated it like a few minutes ago. i saw the bulletin on myspace lol. but enjoy :]



Ignore it :smile:


our LJ community has always been a place where anyone could come and talk. mostly about the band but also about the feelings that music gave each one of you. through all that, we kinda watched this place become our common ground and you guys have sorta become connected in a weird way. now, people are shitting all over it. haha. but you know what? none of it matters. cause none of those people know what's really going on here.


it's not about my hair. it's not about my being a girl. it's not even about the 4 of us that are in the band. it's about how music gave us a place to turn to. a place where we could relate to each other. an escape. i'm really sorry that that place is messed up right now. it will get back on track somehow. yes, the place needs some extreme moderation. we'll figure it out.


until then... please ignore it. we'll do our best to delete and delete but just ignore it! it ain't worth your time to try and fight people who don't care what any of us have to say anyhow.


on a completely different - and much more pleasant - note,

Pan's Labrynth is becoming our favorite movie ever... we're watching it now.


thanks for reading. love you guys.

-all of us.

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they totally just updated it like a few minutes ago. i saw the bulletin on myspace lol. but enjoy :]




our LJ community has always been a place where anyone could come and talk. mostly about the band but also about the feelings that music gave each one of you. through all that, we kinda watched this place become our common ground and you guys have sorta become connected in a weird way. now, people are shitting all over it. haha. but you know what? none of it matters. cause none of those people know what's really going on here.






Pan's Labrynth is becoming our favorite movie ever... we're watching it now.


i freakin love this movie

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I don't go on LJ much, but I'm guessing there was Paramore-bashing going on?


Whatever, what she said about the music connecting us all is true: in the end, it's not about the band image or anything like that. :)

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It's only the one dude i think. His myspace link is in in the profile with his display pic looking like he had a SARS scare (well he's wearing a mask anyway).


I'm pretty sure the other accounts are his as well because they all have the same style of spamming and annoyance.


I hope they fix it soon. I'd hate for paramore to have to shut down the community because of that self proclaimed 'scenester'.

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whoa another lj that was quick


it's not about my hair. it's not about my being a girl. it's not even about the 4 of us that are in the band. it's about how music gave us a place to turn to. a place where we could relate to each other. an escape. i'm really sorry that that place is messed up right now. it will get back on track somehow. yes, the place needs some extreme moderation. we'll figure it out.

Amen to that. :P


ive never seen pen Labrynth might check it out.

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^ yeah, i know :( i don't think that will happen though.

people should just stop replying to his daft comments, cause that's what he wants. if people just ignored him it wouldn't be a problem.


Yeah, most of the time these people that spam stuff just want the attention. They don't care if it's complete sh*t in their post, all they're trying to do is making people mad & get attention. It's sad, but it's true.

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Haha, I always seem to be on the "Huh?" side of all the issues. I guess there's a spammer involved after reading this thread who's dissing the band? There's always going to be a troll that tries to ruffle the feathers of the fans or of the band themselves. It's someone's lame attempt at getting attention because they feel inadequate in life. Lol. So they decide to irrate other people who are minding their own business.


And as for Pan's Labyrinth... I love Ofelia (she makes me believe that kids are compassionate and cool) and the movie makes me cry. Lovely movie... It's just a shame so many people don't want to see it because it's in Spanish and not in English. Subtitles were invented for a reason, y'know? I hate hearing my friends use that as an excuse for not seeing amazing foreign films... They said the same exact thing about Amelie and the Science of Sleep. [/End of Rant] Lol.

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